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lennon created a topic of Zero Day Attack


lennon created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Speechless loss for words what the fuck

lennon created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

a dumb homosexual indeed

lennon created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

im glad i stayed through the end, it was worth the read odjdhuss im glad they're both happy now

lennon created a topic of Waterside Night

kinda want him to abort it though ( ̄へ ̄)

theres this thing called "communication", they should probably try it out and not fuck it out cause what the fuck

lennon created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
lennon created a topic of King's Maker

so basically.. democracy

lennon created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Im crying im sobbing rolling around they're both so sweet its making my teeth ache

lennon created a topic of Jinx

he's kinda right tho ┐(´ー`)┌

lennon created a topic of MADK

The definition of sickeningly beautiful

lennon created a topic of Our Sunny Days


lennon created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

they just had to tell him ヽ(`Д´)ノ

lennon created a topic of Your Eternal Lies

IM GOING INSANE bro im insane its so good like i cant even explain it anymore

lennon created a topic of King's Maker

WHAT. HOLY SHIT?????????

im sobbing there so cute ong 7 chapters isn't enough (/TДT)/

lennon created a topic of Can't Think Straight

does he have a dick for a brain

lennon created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

ong this is so good, definitely a recommendation