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SAN's feed

He should really let the siblings out of the house. Even after Butler told him, how could he still be oblivious? Why did he never question the relationship between the siblings and her? And why is that adopted bitch speaking to her without proper respect?(they don't seem close enough to talk informally even a blind person could see that)Why is their condition far better than that of his own daughter? Why the hell is the adopted sister always smiling when his own daughter is expressionless(sad) and far away? It said he felt guilty for leaving her alone, so she probably hated him. Then why did you not try to make her love you or why did you not have the siblings live in some other place? He has enough money to gift a medium-sized mansion for them siblings to live in, even be their patron, so how could he even tolerate someone else's child living better than his own, if he truly loved her? He didn't even give this much thought and he has the audacity to say he loves his child. ALSO FUCKER WENT ALL SMILY SMILY TOWARDS THOSE ADOPTED BITCHES BUT DIDN'T EVEN SMILE AT HER ONCE and even went as far treating her like outsider when he carried those siblings i still don't get how could he justify his behavior saying he thought the child hated him like he's the worst person alive when all she wanted was assurance and that she deserves people looking at her with smiles on their face...