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sashka_1993 October 3, 2019 3:43 pm

Hey, why not have these two together? Pls

sashka_1993 September 30, 2019 1:14 pm

I actually had uke's situation about a year ago. Believe it or not, it sucks. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    what is life without a bigD? September 30, 2019 4:08 pm

    that's true lol
    like you can get everyone but the one you love AND you don't wanna hurt anybody

    sashka_1993 September 30, 2019 4:14 pm
    that's true lollike you can get everyone but the one you love AND you don't wanna hurt anybody what is life without a bigD?

    Exactly! And everyone gets hurt when you reject them -.- Luckily, not dealing with that anymore, I'm happily engaged now <3

    what is life without a bigD? September 30, 2019 4:22 pm
    Exactly! And everyone gets hurt when you reject them -.- Luckily, not dealing with that anymore, I'm happily engaged now <3 sashka_1993

    aww that's so cute! I'm so happy for u

sashka_1993 September 27, 2019 4:24 pm

I'd love to see these two fall in love and the seme can rot in hell

sashka_1993 June 23, 2019 8:15 pm

Now I want that dude beaten up to a bloody pulp

sashka_1993 May 28, 2019 8:26 pm

Love the characters. This is what adults are, guys. Don't go there. all of us in the category of 25-30 are this bad.

    Kyon^.^Kyon May 28, 2019 8:54 pm

    I can say that I was like this around 15-18 but to say I am like that at 25 simply isn't true. Everyone has their own life experiences that make them mature faster or slower. I wouldn't be caught dead having a guy shove my head in their crouch without me yelling at them and telling them to get out the damn car. Sadly 17 year old me would have let it happen but not me at 25.

    sashka_1993 May 29, 2019 8:13 pm
    I can say that I was like this around 15-18 but to say I am like that at 25 simply isn't true. Everyone has their own life experiences that make them mature faster or slower. I wouldn't be caught dead having a... Kyon^.^Kyon

    Well, like you said - Each to their own? Good for you anyways. :) This was the last thing I was referring to, though. Sexual preferences are a no no talk for me.
    I just like the fact the characters are very real in the aspect of their personalities and I cannot praise Haesoo enough. A masochist, a sadist, a manipulator, a writer with a block, aware of his fatality yet insecure to the core, knows his flaws, yet doesn't want to work on them. He feels so incredibly human.

    Kyon^.^Kyon May 29, 2019 9:16 pm

    Oh I'm sorry! I wouldn't think sexual talk would be a big no no when talking about a yaoi. I just picked one of the most recent things that happened as an example. I was just stating that not every 25-30 year old has these issues. You may have them and some others too but not everyone.

    sashka_1993 May 29, 2019 9:43 pm
    Oh I'm sorry! I wouldn't think sexual talk would be a big no no when talking about a yaoi. I just picked one of the most recent things that happened as an example. I was just stating that not every 25-30 year ... Kyon^.^Kyon

    Haha, I don't know, when it comes to sex, I don't judge. If someone likes being forced, go for it, and Haesoo clearly enjoys it.
    But regarding other issues, no, I do not have them or rather - I learnt how to accept my flaws and deal with them. But I know many people who do the things the people in this manga do.
    Let me put it this way: The pattern I tend to see in yaoi, shoujo and anywhere is:
    Typical bottom: sweet, innocent, no past, no experience, adored only for that innocence which is so unrealistic it hurts.
    Typica power top:.... need i say more?

    It feels SO good to have an uke like Haesoo.

    sashka_1993 May 29, 2019 9:44 pm
    Oh I'm sorry! I wouldn't think sexual talk would be a big no no when talking about a yaoi. I just picked one of the most recent things that happened as an example. I was just stating that not every 25-30 year ... Kyon^.^Kyon

    I'm biased, can't help it. There's something about this character that I find extremely appealing.

    Kyon^.^Kyon May 29, 2019 9:57 pm
    I'm biased, can't help it. There's something about this character that I find extremely appealing. sashka_1993

    Oh I definitely love haesoo because I think I've told you in another post I really relate to haesoo as well but i think we see things a bit differently in the fact that Haesoo doesnt really enjoy this he convinces himself because he's just getting what he can when it comes to joowons affection. Its easy to play along when you are younger but once you get older it takes its toll. I keep up with the raw chapters and summary of things that happen idk if you do or not. Well maybe we see things a bit differently. Also this type of bottom I've experienced before in a few mangas and manhwa but they are a bit more darker than Love or hate. If you want some recommendations I'll gladly provide some!

    sashka_1993 May 30, 2019 9:17 pm
    Oh I definitely love haesoo because I think I've told you in another post I really relate to haesoo as well but i think we see things a bit differently in the fact that Haesoo doesnt really enjoy this he convi... Kyon^.^Kyon

    Ohh, thank you for not spoiling anything, you're the real MVP. No, I don't keep up, I read the manhwa here, so aain, thank you! No, I agree with you. I don't even think Haesoo is aware of what's going on. He knows his feelings but he cannot relate his actions to his feelings, in a way? He's just acting like a child to get what he wants, but Jowoon is no better. There's just an amazing appeal to both of them, to the fact they are dark and flawed and screwed up. And, please, recommend away! :3

    Kyon^.^Kyon May 30, 2019 10:16 pm

    No problem! Thats why i mentioned it first just in case you didn't. & i don't think haesoo is acting like a child to get what he wants I think he has so low self-esteem that he's just taking what joowon gives him. He goes with the flow that joowon sets not having a say in anything. Basically how a little brother would act with his older brother cuz "older brother knows best" and its made him a very bitter man.

    Lover boy - its a great manhwa with real life insecurities from both main characters and its a bit angsty not as bad as this. Its complete already. On mangago
    My lover my teacher- this is a lot more like love or hate and it just came out not too long ago so its low on chapters but instead of step brothers its cousins. With a manipulative top only thing is i havent seen this on mangago yet
    Yatamomo- this is a lot darker to me than love or hate and a lot more toucher subjects. It actually made me cry cuz momo is the best bottom I've ever read about in my opinion. This is complete too. On mangago

    sashka_1993 May 31, 2019 10:47 pm
    No problem! Thats why i mentioned it first just in case you didn't. & i don't think haesoo is acting like a child to get what he wants I think he has so low self-esteem that he's just taking what joowon giv... Kyon^.^Kyon

    The only one I haven't read is Yatamomo, I'll give it a go!
    One of my favourites are Kikoeru, Jealousy and Lie, Cry, Like.
    I recommend all of them and I will put Yatamomo on my to read list. Thank you!

    Kyon^.^Kyon June 1, 2019 4:52 am
    The only one I haven't read is Yatamomo, I'll give it a go!One of my favourites are Kikoeru, Jealousy and Lie, Cry, Like. I recommend all of them and I will put Yatamomo on my to read list. Thank you! sashka_1993

    Thank you! I'll check these out.

sashka_1993 May 28, 2019 8:21 pm

God bless them.

sashka_1993 May 23, 2019 9:22 pm

I need more of this vanilla fluff and sex in my life, please

    Blu❄ May 28, 2019 1:04 am

    U and me both!! I'm crying and leaking at the same time !!!

    sashka_1993 May 28, 2019 8:15 pm
    U and me both!! I'm crying and leaking at the same time !!! Blu❄

    Literally, the amount of liquid that flowed out was scary

    Blu❄ May 29, 2019 7:34 am

    I was enjoying the single life until I read these mangas and wish I wasn't single. I'm definitely going to order me some new toys

    sashka_1993 May 29, 2019 8:06 pm
    I was enjoying the single life until I read these mangas and wish I wasn't single. I'm definitely going to order me some new toys Blu❄

    Hell yes, sister x'D Unfortunately, toys and 2D boys beat 3D boys any time

    Blu❄ May 29, 2019 10:53 pm

    Your Speaking str8 Truth My siblings describe me as the weird one. I was literally over joyed with happiness. They now call me normal

    sashka_1993 May 30, 2019 9:15 pm
    Your Speaking str8 Truth My siblings describe me as the weird one. I was literally over joyed with happiness. They now call me normal Blu❄

    The 'weird ones' are the best ones

sashka_1993 May 19, 2019 9:13 pm

An uke golden shower? I have been blessed.

sashka_1993 April 30, 2019 11:11 am

Let's ignore the ships for a while and who you want with who, but let's focus on the fact that the mangaka is giving us actual people with insecurities and screwed up personalities and no perfect moral compass. This stuff feels so painfully real and Haesoo is too relatable.
Or am I just a painfully screwed up individual?

    imber April 30, 2019 11:26 am

    noo , i agree with you

    some perv April 30, 2019 11:31 am

    I think it's mostly relatable to twenty-somethings like us (i'm assuming the number in your username is your birthdate).
    I'm not sure I would have found it relatable if I was younger, with less experience. But yes, I love it and am really enjoying all the characters.

    Kyon^.^Kyon April 30, 2019 2:53 pm

    I know what you mean yea I ship taku with haesoo but that's because I can see Haesoo be himself with taku and let his guard down hopefully in the future. Haesoo is a lot more relatable then I care to admit and the one thing I am most looking forward to is haesoo overcoming his writers block and learning how to speak up for himself. & definitely hoping he realizes his true worth because he thinks way too little of himself.

    sashka_1993 May 1, 2019 6:47 am
    I think it's mostly relatable to twenty-somethings like us (i'm assuming the number in your username is your birthdate).I'm not sure I would have found it relatable if I was younger, with less experience. But y... some perv

    Yep, I'm 25. You could be right definitely, I highly doubt someone with less experience would find it relatable. This is why it's so good though, it's not often you find a really serious, relatable BL. Ten Count was one of the rare ones I also found truly relatable due to how screwed up everyone was. It's nice to see a world that isn't black and white.

    sashka_1993 May 1, 2019 6:49 am
    I know what you mean yea I ship taku with haesoo but that's because I can see Haesoo be himself with taku and let his guard down hopefully in the future. Haesoo is a lot more relatable then I care to admit and... Kyon^.^Kyon

    Oh, my god, I get you so much, with the whole writers block thing! My number 1 wish isn't even for anyone to end up with anyone but for Haesoo to start loving himself a bit more or really just accepting himself? I'm not even sure who I ship with who anymore, but I feel like there will be no endgame in a way? That endgame will be Haesoo deciding to forgive himself and just moving on with his life. (We are so boringly adult in this thread)

    Kyon^.^Kyon May 1, 2019 10:44 am
    Oh, my god, I get you so much, with the whole writers block thing! My number 1 wish isn't even for anyone to end up with anyone but for Haesoo to start loving himself a bit more or really just accepting himself... sashka_1993

    No of course if i had it my way he would definitely end up single cuz all that baggage should be resolved before ever going out with anyone. I think cuz this is yaoi I never pick for them to be by themselves is cuz it never happens. I think when Haesoo finally writes something he himself is confident in 'm going to feel so satisfied. (Judging by your user name we are probably the same age so yea the boring life of adults indeed lol)

    sashka_1993 May 1, 2019 9:58 pm
    No of course if i had it my way he would definitely end up single cuz all that baggage should be resolved before ever going out with anyone. I think cuz this is yaoi I never pick for them to be by themselves is... Kyon^.^Kyon

    25 :) You're right, no one ever ends up single in yaoi xD I kind of hope he'll be with Jowoon but... I don't know? I'm cool if he's with Taku, too? This is what I mean, I like all of them, they all have their baggage and everyone is so relatable! but I do hope the baby overcomes his block and just feels okay with himself. Like, proper accepts his flaws and slowly works / or doesn't work on them, but just accepts himself.

sashka_1993 April 23, 2019 9:53 pm

Right, can we have a random dreamscape or something of them meeting in high school?

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