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anon created a topic of Prejudice

i don't dislike qin mu (white haired guy) at all. i understand why he would dislike nanxing (black haired guy). qin mu worked hard to debut and then there comes this young master who got his dreams of debuting handed to him in a silver platter just because he wanted to try it. Unlike qin mu who had to spend years of training just to secure his spot. qin mu thought nanxing wasn't serious about becoming an idol.

nanxing isn't idol material tbh. he says whatever is on his mind without thinking it through. yes he is cute in the way that he doesn't have bad intentions and naive. but being an idol you have to be careful about what you do or what you say. it doesn't just affect you, whatever right or wrong thing you do, it will have an impact on your group and your company. you could even lose your career with false allegations. the public won't care about the truth at all, when an idol gets involve in a scandal. it's not like the prejudice or misunderstanding that qin mu has over nanxing. it could and has ruined an idols career.

nanxing doesn't even have that many fans that would forgive anything or defend him. (you know those die hard type of fans who would still defend their idols even when they shouldn't? who would make excuses for their idols to cover up whatever that idol did and not urge them to improve?)

nanxing didn't get his career ruined in this story because he's a rich 2nd generation so even though he made careless remarks, the consequence was just the company losing money.

imagine having this guy as a group member, with the belief that he's having it easy all the time, doing things with no regard for the consequences. I'd also be pissed. but this manhua might not be that deep and won't touch on those topics at all. and I'm just ranting for no reason.

Recent chapters has shown that nanxing's dream is also to be an idol and nanxing's aware that he's lacking in skills and actually wants to improve and not bring the group down. he's really just naive. and if this were the real entertainment industry? he'd probably be cancelled already with his personality