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anon created a topic of Jinx

FINALLY Dan learned a wee bit of self-respect.

I agree that Minghwa should just end it here. Then the epilogue will be Dan having a happy ending after grandma dies. He moves on, he will have a job where he isn't sabotaged by the people he works with, he will stand up for himself even when someone bullies him, and he won't take anyone's shit. He will realize that the actual good times with JJK is learning to stand up for himself after the shit he went through and not that BS where they played games and JJK was losing. He will realize he was just lonely and need companionship and anyone would fit the bill, JJK just happen to be there at that time. He will realize that what he felt was not love but gratitude with JJK, because JJK helped him when he was at his lowest. Dan will realize that he deserves better and just because JJK was his employer, JJK doesn't have any right to treat him like that or anyone for that matter. Dan did his job and more for a POS like JJK and so Dan will realize that he owes nothing to JJK, and he deserves compensation, for the shit he went through. But of course, Dan will think it's for the best to just let things go for his peace of mind. He will look back and cringe at his past self, but he'll like how he currently is (he has self-respect and lives for himself) and where he's currently at. Happy at that seaside village he took grandma to. Loving the place that his grandma also loved and finding himself part of a community that cares for him and also cares for in return. JJK miraculously doesn't find him even with all the resources at his disposal. Dan also doesn't meet with him ever again. Dan will only see news about JJK occasionally but won't really be affected by him. Again Dan is happy, he's living simply but he's content with his life.

On the other hand, JJK suffers after Dan left. After his suspension, he will fight his last match and he will lose because of his injuries and his jinx. His injuries won't fully heal and he will never be able to fight in championship matches again. He will be miserable. He'll lose his sponsorships. His career as an MMA fighter is over and he will watch someone else win world titles left and right. He will be a has been. He will try to find Dan and he would search every corner of the earth and use all his connections and resources but won't find him. (The universe aligns to finally help Dan get away from that fcker). He will be frustrated and angry and stressed all the time. He will fill the void with fuck buddies but wont ever be satisfied. We'll get BS flashback of JJK's backstory and it will show that his reason for being an AH wasn't really that much. It's not angsty and it's not heartbreaking. He won't be portrayed as a victim, just a spoiled brat who didn't get what he wanted. It will show he was just an AH through and through and it won't ever justify his shitty actions at all. No redemption arc whatsoever, he won't be shown as someone who loves Dan. He won't regret his actions that led him to where he's at, won't ever be grateful to people who helped him. He will only ever be angry and frustrated that his fuk toy left him. In the end, his team will get tired of him and leave him. He will be an alcoholic and will drink his days away. Reminiscing his glory days. He will be alone in that apartment and won't be able to forget Dan.

The epilogue.