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Otk July 20, 2021 11:50 pm

too much nonsense gets me so tired and it's annoying

Otk July 20, 2021 3:17 am

I know June shouldn´t have said all those things to the kid but if you think about it Yeon Jeong doesn´t do much for June. i mean june save her from drowning then confront yeon´s grandpa and even made him realize yeon wasn´t happy, gave her support, made her friend accept that yeon didnt need to marry a man to be happy and saved her from that guy who was about to rape her.and now yeon wants time to take care her dead husband's daughter ?? i don´t know if yeon wants to rise that kid or give her all of her fortune but she should have tell june her plans with the kid first.
if it wasn´t for june, yeon would be dead and if yeon somehow would have survived from drowning she would still be listen to her granpa and marry that guy.

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