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ive been subscribed to this manga for a while now, nd i thought we already had a confession with the mc. is that the same character or am i remembering wrong?

Yo motha like the answer
It’s beyond me how some of y’all found a problem with this post. Bro said “plz get me books by authors who are like me and understand my experience” and all of a sudden y’all felt attacked. I could throw y’all into a fighting ring and y’all would feel more attacked about this post than in the pit of death.
Yo motha created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

oh lord i bet once they find out about eachother jistar is gonna think mc is even more of a creep

Yo motha created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

i like how skylar was arguing violently with cirrus and still got asked if they were dating

HOMOSEXUALS the three of them. they are all so gay and for what

HOMOSEXUALS the three of them. they are all so gay and for what

Yo motha created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

can someone pls talk to me how in the novel officer song says "i bite," and yoojin replying "i dont mind."??

i just realised that they cut his small mullet he had?? thats so upsetting i loved cales hair in s1