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Kay asked a question

I really do think y’all shouldn’t interact with the author or “legal readers” because that’s bringing more attention to the site and pissing the authors even more…some people now go and write explanation epistles to the author on why they did bleh bleh bleh(not being rude) people who have been using these kinds of site knows how to maneuver and operate it..honestly I will keep on saying it I blame quarantine(please wear your masks and stay safe(๑•ㅂ•)و✧)…it gave a lot of people free time. Again if you want to explain eh explain it to yourself or to your pillow or anything other than the authors or “legal readers” on Twitter. And the people that are being petty and attacking the authors don’t. If you want to report “legal readers” pages report but ffs don’t interact(not telling y’all to report oh) I’m just observing this entire situation and telling y’all everything that I’ve been seeing

Kay asked a question

Y’all I have a question…is the report button showing for y’all, I don’t want to report I just noticed a lot of people were complaining about that on Twitter so I came to check and I didn’t see any for me…the white flag, I mean is it showing?

Kay created a topic of An Omega's Love Affair

Who is the person that messaged the author with explanation…y’all don’t listen istg…..don’t interact with the author like yoo what the hell is wrong with you(talking to the person that messaged the author) don’t interact don’t explain we’re all on this site and it’s bringing more attention to it

Kay created a topic of Haunted by Desire

Y’all the author knows about this one too…they want to take everything(every single manhwa) down…they literally put the site and made like a video record through all the diff manhwa

Kay asked a question

There’s this person that’s wants all the “legal readers” to report everything and take this site down…lmao I’ve been moving from Twitter to here because shit is crazy rn

Kay created a topic of In the Private Room
Kay created a topic of Secret Relationship

I’ve never read this but I just wanted to let y’all know that “legal readers” have their eyes on this one too

Kay created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Just to let y’all know…they want to remove this one too

Kay created a topic of Full volume

The author knows about this site and has posted it on their page

Kay followed a goer

I don't think I'll waste my ALL time reading  
anymore, I won't be here mostly 
I'll prolly come once in a while.
Hope everyone well!! 

21 07,2021