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meli사 created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

Okey. For some reason I want her to run away..
BUT I know Damien :))) that handsome son of a b***h catches his wife and brings her back!
And yep! He will have s*x with her exactly a
few seconds after she returns :)) we all know that
For sure! Tbh I want to see him suffer! ( ̄へ ̄)

meli사 created a topic of Eleceed

THIN SCRAWNY…" I mean.. he’s kinda right tho.

meli사 created a topic of Eleceed

It seems that another cat is going to be added to the story

meli사 created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I don’t F***king care OKAY?! I want my IAN!
Do you remember Ian? Dark hair, green eyes?
Yeah, remember him? I miss my baby boy T–T

meli사 created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Fuck this shitty flashback! that’s enough!
Ugh! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

meli사 created a topic of Cry Me a River
meli사 created a topic of Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

Just f***k off! Leave her alone! Ugh! At first I like him, but now I just want to kick his ass! Wtf!?
I don’t care about novel! Right now I just hate
Him! is he blind or what? She is not comfortable around you! OKAY?! kyle is a better option.
I mean… yes there is some difference between them but Kyle is a nice and kind guy :( I like him.
duke has a shitty personality

meli사 created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I Fucking HATE this flashback! Omg
I want IAN!!!!! My lovely handsome IAN! I miss
him so so much T-T

meli사 created a topic of Salty Lust


Fuck them! My poor gold digger baby

meli사 created a topic of Salty Lust

Guys.. I have bad news.. :)))
Well I see raw and yep.. ch 50 is the final part of the first season ( tnx god that there is going to
be a Season two) So… the problem is.. in the
Next few chapters.. uummm… let’s just say
A lot of things are going to happen!

EDIT: Now I realized that half of my message was deleted

meli사 created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Umm... Well.. obviously he’s crazy and toxic & a little bit psychopath.. hmm.. I can only hope that it ends well :')))

meli사 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

OMG!(T—T )he’s so cute and adorable(≧∀≦)
I love him so much

meli사 created a topic of Zero Day Attack

this is brand new information!

meli사 created a topic of Zero Day Attack

Oh my God that’s very, very unexpected

meli사 created a topic of Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

shit, another toxic ML :))))

meli사 created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Oh.. Come on! Be honest.. deep down you secretly love blondie :))) we all do ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

meli사 created a topic of Eternal Covenant

As usual, with the update of the new chapter, I expected that the flashback of the story would bother me, but to be honest, this chapter was beautiful.. (╥﹏╥ )But I still miss Ian so f***king much