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sugar July 24, 2021 3:11 pm

can't believe some people act like they gonna die if they dont read illegally. there are plenty free work on webtoon. and if you read illegally, stop complaining, like you know it's a priviledge to read man-hua/hwa/ga right??? and to those uploader who think they are doing good deed for uploading despite the plea of the authors to stop uploading their works to illegal website, I hope you won't get paid for your hard work coz that's what you are doing right now. Don't think you are in the right! Exposure don't bring food to their table!!

    jungkookie July 24, 2021 3:19 pm

    You made this acc just to type that lmaoooo July 24, 2021 3:19 pm

    Have you read some shameless comments from tw1tter? Some people complaint directly to authors telling them they have no money, asking to have free coins from lezh1n. A crazy world...

    sugar July 24, 2021 3:22 pm
    Have you read some shameless comments from tw1tter? Some people complaint directly to authors telling them they have no money, asking to have free coins from lezh1n. A crazy world...

    they are really conceited entitled priviledge asshole..

    sugar July 24, 2021 3:23 pm
    You made this acc just to type that lmaoooo jungkookie

    yeah and i bet jungkook will look at you with disgust knowing he has a fan like you that felt entitled to enjoy someone's else hardwork illegally yeah?

    jungkookie July 24, 2021 3:28 pm
    yeah and i bet jungkook will look at you with disgust knowing he has a fan like you that felt entitled to enjoy someone's else hardwork illegally yeah? sugar

    babes who talking about Jungkook ??? who said I didn’t support the author lmaooo you made an account just to post that comment like the weirdo you are and I find that funny as hell

    mobbu July 24, 2021 3:32 pm
    You made this acc just to type that lmaoooo jungkookie

    the entitled comments ( illegal readers ) are even worse and make absolutely no single sense at all. i am an illegal reader as well ( although i do support the authors on l%%zhi1n ) its sometimes a bit embarrassing to stand up for them.

    sugar July 24, 2021 3:34 pm
    babes who talking about Jungkook ??? who said I didn’t support the author lmaooo you made an account just to post that comment like the weirdo you are and I find that funny as hell jungkookie

    i'm talking bout jungkook coz ur username is literally jungkookie? lmao and who is weirder by looking at someone's profile just to see when they join and then making a comment to laugh it off? you support the author? by enjoy and reading it illegally?? lmao..

    jungkookie July 24, 2021 3:41 pm
    i'm talking bout jungkook coz ur username is literally jungkookie? lmao and who is weirder by looking at someone's profile just to see when they join and then making a comment to laugh it off? you support the a... sugar

    Babes you talking about the same ppl who illegally streamed a wrestling game cause they wanted to watch??? The same ppl who said they don’t care if their concert is streamed illegally as long as ppl got to watch??? We good over here love . You now what’s weirder you made an account searched for the story just to leave a comment that’s funny to meeee must have been real bored. Also babes I buy the chapters all the time worry about your own pockets love

    jungkookie July 24, 2021 3:42 pm
    the entitled comments ( illegal readers ) are even worse and make absolutely no single sense at all. i am an illegal reader as well ( although i do support the authors on l%%zhi1n ) its sometimes a bit embarras... mobbu

    nah I’m not standing up for anyone I just found this hilarious

    sugar July 24, 2021 3:52 pm
    Babes you talking about the same ppl who illegally streamed a wrestling game cause they wanted to watch??? The same ppl who said they don’t care if their concert is streamed illegally as long as ppl got to wa... jungkookie

    lmao, you know them bts is fuking rich unlike these authors that have to work hard to bring food to their table right? and not everyone can earn like those millionaires like bts? did u just compare a mega rich boyband with authors who still have to stressed out from their work being on illegal website? if bts are willing to do so then good for them but if author dont want you have to respect their will or are you too dumb to understand that? now i'm the one who is laughing here coz you are showing your stupidity stop embarassing yourself.. really.. comparing a mega rich boyband to an author that is struggling with illegal reposter.. why do you have to embarassed yourself like that..

    jungkookie July 24, 2021 4:05 pm
    lmao, you know them bts is fuking rich unlike these authors that have to work hard to bring food to their table right? and not everyone can earn like those millionaires like bts? did u just compare a mega rich ... sugar

    Awww but love you wanted to talk about them so I did now you backing away from your statement babes they don’t care so idk why you brought them up in the first place. You brought them up like it was bout to hurt my feelings but they don’t care also stupidass nobody was comparing YOU said they’d look at me in disgust and I simply put they dont give a fuck bc they don’t and have done the same thing you’re mad bc I laughed at you you’re giving miserable

    sugar July 24, 2021 4:18 pm
    Awww but love you wanted to talk about them so I did now you backing away from your statement babes they don’t care so idk why you brought them up in the first place. You brought them up like it was bout to ... jungkookie

    you said you don't compare but then you bring statement as to why they allow their fans to illegally streaming their content opposed to these authors? but i guess it's no use to speak to someone who doesn't understand the topic when they just choose irrelevant stuff like when i created the account just to post.. i'm mad? i'm actually fascinated by your stupidity yeah sure they dont care coz they obviously don't know they have shitty fans like you

    sugar July 24, 2021 4:21 pm
    Awww but love you wanted to talk about them so I did now you backing away from your statement babes they don’t care so idk why you brought them up in the first place. You brought them up like it was bout to ... jungkookie

    like, you can bring the date i created my account coz you literally have to click on my profile yet i cant talk about something that is literally your username?? you on some med or what? oh well, it's exhausting to talk to people like you that can't understand the topic/reply like a functional adult. I'm out lmao

    jungkookie July 24, 2021 4:28 pm
    like, you can bring the date i created my account coz you literally have to click on my profile yet i cant talk about something that is literally your username?? you on some med or what? oh well, it's exhaust... sugar

    You’re so stupid this is funny nobody was comparing I said for the third time they don’t care about illegally streaming and they have done it before. That’s not comparing dumb dumb you’re mad bc I laughed at you bc it was funny as hell that you made the account just to post that I hope you find other stories to post about cause this was so funny

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