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Theystolemyname's feed

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

Good on Qin Yun for beating that trash kale or whatever his name was, as well as sending him packing.
Altough I don't understand why the hell Xi Zhao let that little bish stay even after he literally attacked him and Zhong Yan like, his spirit animal is heavily injured. HE is the emperor. Why tf can't he slam that bish behind bars? Skewer him with something sharp? Or at the very least, kick him off the planet like Qin Yun did? Ngl, I liked Qin Yun beating him, we really don't get enough ukes/girls who are badass enough to rough up a bish encroaching on their territory, but he shouldn't have had to, because Xi Zhao should have made sure that the kale bish is 15 lightyears away. If Qin Yun can do it with a punch and a gun waved in his face, why can't the emperor do the same