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Theystolemyname's feed

Theystolemyname created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Man, that dark haired dom is such a little bitch. He has an issue with Al, so instead of taking it up with the man himself, he lurks like a predator and pressures Zen into following him, and then, when he is clearly told to mind his words, because they cause Zen clear distress - and isn't the worldbuilding supposed to be in favour of protecting subs? And he is a government worker supposedly supporting this goal? - instead of shutting up or being careful, he intentionally causes harm to Zen, and even has the gall to call him boring, because he wanted to test out just how badly Zen reacts, and was pouty that his childish bullying didn't cause Zen to break down. Like wtf? He acts like a misoginistic man who calls women "fat whale" and then gets whiny because she didn't start crying. Fucking bitch, I hate his type of people.