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Nimmilol like the answer
Complaining about people complaining about the things they don't like while you also complain about the things you don't like.
Nimmilol followed question about something that makes you happy

For all of you hoes that can’t read I said something GOOD. No trash talking yourself. I don’t wanna see any “haha imagine having something good about yourselves” in the replies. I don’t care if you have to bring out the inner narcissist within you to write something good about yourself. DO IT. In fact, I’ll even accept things like “I ......

05 08,2023
Nimmilol followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

List here includes the following-

mafia/yakuza/gang-war stories , policemen stories 
some twisted stuffs
killing ,blood-wars
hardcore smut

For detective/soldiers/killer plots



18 06,2023
Nimmilol recommended a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

List here includes the following-

mafia/yakuza/gang-war stories , policemen stories 
some twisted stuffs
killing ,blood-wars
hardcore smut

For detective/soldiers/killer plots
