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eva says:

Still waiting for the day the forums come back

eva says:

Happy birthday @go tf away ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノWe can be immature hoes together LMFAO

eva says:

I got rid of the name Megumii because it was hideous Also new pfp

eva says:

2022 sucks and it's only been one month

eva says:

I got covid lol

eva says:

Watching fmab rn

eva says:

Happy new yearrrrr <3

eva says:

I just finished reading Gorgon and the bitch that uploaded it here didn't even finish it and now I'm stuck on the biggest cliffhanger.

eva says:

I finished my finals yay

Gattsu, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces that persue himself an...

  • Author: Kentarou Miura
  • Genres: Action / Horror


Guts, the Black Swordsman, is on an endless quest for revenge. Standing in his way are the evil spirits he's cursed by.

eva says:


eva add 1 photos to .

November 19 2020 LMAOO

eva says:

4 days until Mangago's 4 months of maintenance anniversary <33

eva says:

I was choking during dinner and deadass my mom says "What the fuck is your problem"

eva says:

I have the worst gacha luck

Those who are resistant to death are called "Demi-humans".<br><br>That day, Ke...

  • Author: SAKURAI Gamon
  • Genres: Adventure / Horror / Mystery / Seinen / Supernatural
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Immortal humans called "Ajin" are able to regenerate and come back to life. The whole world views them as monsters and are too be hunted down. After a life-threatening experience, Nagai Kei finds out he's one of these monsters.

eva says:

It's been over a year since I've been on this hellsite yayy

Suddenly a high school student Subaru Natsuki has been summoned to another world on the way back fro...

  • Author: Nagatsuki Tappei,Matsue Daichi
  • Genres: Fantasy / Seinen
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Natsuki Subaru's life was ordinary and boring with nothing to do. Unexpectedly he rebirths into an isekai world called the Kingdom of Lugnica. Now he meets a special half-elf girl with silver hair named Satella and soon falls in love with her.

eva says:

No one cares

eva says:

Holy shit 2022 is in 3 months