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onyx.spider December 23, 2023 11:00 pm

Technically they are different. Unlike the old onahole, Dan is - on top of being Jaekyung's fbuddy - his physiotherapist. So the guy doesn't know what he's talking about. And Jaekyung can't get rid of Dan now without his entire gym pestering him for Dan or the other actor dude coming to swoop Dan up which is apparently something he doesn't like(?) Oh and the fact that I'm pretty sure Dan knows that Jaekyung is an asshole, remember him questioning why tf does he even like him? Yeah.

You people really be acting like Jaekyung is the worst bl top to ever exist cuz he has a short fuse and reaches for his fists before his words cuz dude has a really bad case of jumping-to-conclusions syndrome, like bro, there's a bunch of others that do that that are worse and eventually they do get better, Jaekyung doesn't even hurt Dan anymore after the earlier chapters (not physically). Also, why don't you understand Dan in this situation? Like bro's actually been living with Jaekyung and has had Jaekyung save him multiple times, stockholm syndrome comes with unreasonable feelings of love at your 'captor' but Dan has had reasons to fall for Jaekyung. Sure, physically he's attractive, and his actions for Dan that protect him, saved his Grandma, all that stuff must've made Dan slowly fall for him.

I'm pretty sure Dan will get a reality check from Jaekyung sooner or later, and we will get second hand embarrassment or (for some others) anger. Like Dan knows what he's getting himself into. He's a whole grown adult.

Okay I'm actually getting so off topic here and I don't even know what prompted me to write this sad excuse of an essay but, well, I'll regret it later and probably delete it.

    no1likesnisa December 23, 2023 11:17 pm

    THANK YOU, I’ve been getting so annoyed by these comments. The old BL community is dead tbh, what a shame.

    KIMI WA SHOJO NANO? December 23, 2023 11:50 pm

    No one is saying he is the worst bl top
    I mean we’ve got Choi pilwon( seashell boy)
    It’s just what he did to Dan in that epi that made people hate him.

    I’m sorry but joo is a child in a man’s body
    And kim doesn’t know what he wants

    And tbh I’d rather the story ends without kim and joo ending up together

    onyx.spider December 24, 2023 9:34 am
    No one is saying he is the worst bl topI mean we’ve got Choi pilwon( seashell boy)It’s just what he did to Dan in that epi that made people hate him.I’m sorry but joo is a child in a man’s bodyAnd kim d... KIMI WA SHOJO NANO?

    Actually, his childish antics' pretty common among athletes who have never lost. It's the ego. He just brings it off court too, and he's got multiple irl examples (Kobe Bryant (RIP)), Phillip Miller, etc.). Which is why I'm not surprised when he acts like that. His ego has its reasons and the reason for the ego shows in his skills in the ring. I mean, you and I, we are humble about what we achieve or are quite dismissive of it because we have lost in something before. Nobody's perfect unless you're rich, strong, and an undefeated champion for most of your life. It comes with a price and for Jaekyung, it's his massive ego.

    I'm looking forward to how he, as a character, develops, and matures. He's got potential and Dan has the potential to be a lot more dependable and strong mentally (physically speaking, I believe it's not impossible, just not the direction the author is probably going to take). I'm also looking forward to how their relationship develops. With the recent chapters, it seems like the story's climax where Jaekyung loses a major fight, is benched until further notice and blows up on Dan, and Dan, who falls for Jaekyung, is hurt andddd this is getting off topic. But yeah. You catch the drift.

    I'm not saying that everyone should not want Jaekyung and Dan to be together, I'm just saying they should read their relationships from not just Kim Dan's shoes, but Joo Jaekyung's.

    onyx.spider December 24, 2023 9:35 am
    Actually, his childish antics' pretty common among athletes who have never lost. It's the ego. He just brings it off court too, and he's got multiple irl examples (Kobe Bryant (RIP)), Phillip Miller, etc.). Whi... onyx.spider

    Oh and his jinx. We still don't know what his jinx is about either, so there's lore to explore.

    onyx.spider December 24, 2023 9:42 am
    THANK YOU, I’ve been getting so annoyed by these comments. The old BL community is dead tbh, what a shame. no1likesnisa

    Ha ha, I've been reading BL for 12 years since 2011. I've read Finder, Super Lovers, Sex Pistols, etc. Which is why I don't understand the hate on Jaekyung hype train when there's a bunch of other BL Tops as bad or if not worse than Jaekyung. I've had enough of people exaggerating Jaekyung's bad parts.

    I actually started reading Jinx expecting it to be the worst thing ever and heartache and all and I'm over here unfazed. Like??? Jinx is actually not bad at all and the more chapters I read, the more I want to know about Kim Dan and Jaekyung's relationship development and Jaekyung's past.

    KIMI WA SHOJO NANO? December 24, 2023 11:42 am
    Actually, his childish antics' pretty common among athletes who have never lost. It's the ego. He just brings it off court too, and he's got multiple irl examples (Kobe Bryant (RIP)), Phillip Miller, etc.). Whi... onyx.spider

    I guess
    I’m not really a fan of sports so I might not understand

    But it does make sense

    I think there was a chapter where he was like

    If I can’t box I’ve got nothing else,
    or it’s not this one

    onyx.spider December 24, 2023 3:05 pm
    I guessI’m not really a fan of sports so I might not understand But it does make sense I think there was a chapter where he was likeIf I can’t box I’ve got nothing else, or it’s not this one KIMI WA SHOJO NANO?

    Yeah and this actually made me curious if he was actually one of those kids that were forced to train hard in one sport by his parent(s) or something. Like Russian ballet dancers, they practically break their bones to make them malleable to dance.

onyx.spider November 22, 2023 8:44 am

Idk if this is a spoiler but are those monsters ex-humans? They look human-like.

    Kdjssluttywaist November 22, 2023 9:29 am

    Yes,the people in the dungeon/prison turned into monsters,that how paradise exists

    onyx.spider November 23, 2023 7:34 am
    Yes,the people in the dungeon/prison turned into monsters,that how paradise exists Kdjssluttywaist

    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) wait really??? Oh hellllll naw

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