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We got 3 side stories left ya so hang in there for them to be uploaded lol.

Taesung created a topic of The Deputy Wants To Do It

Finally! We see Bongsoo standing up for himself. For so long Jiwon has been treating Bongsoo like trash. Ignoring and and stuff. Now we finally get Bongsoo ignoring him.

Taesung created a topic of Dear Benjamin

While I’m happy, but the art doesn’t look promising. The old artist, while I may not support her action, I think her drawing actually matched the characters. I hope the artwork doesn’t give us Barbie ken drawing cause that drawing up there looks like a Ken Barbie.

Sure, we can argue and say that well Seme dated and slept with other girls, yeah I don't like that as well. BUT only for UKE did he actually changed and showed expression. With the other night stand and girls he dated to pass the time, he didn't care nor show them much emotion. Hench, Uke still win for me cause he changed himself a lot for Uke while he didn't care if others came or go.

Now ya can stop the debate of him being red flag. He original thought of wanting to spend just one night with Uke, but as with the above chapter, he fell harder than what he expected.

Taesung created a topic of December


I was waiting for the novel translation from readH*** to update, but it got removed. Does anyone know where I could continue to read it?

Season 1 art style was way better than season 2. I’m kinda turned off and not that interested anymore cause season 2 art style looks weird.

Alex be worst than our Semi here and ya still obsessed over that plot. Sure, Semi may have started the relationship out of curiosity but within the first few interactions, he was already knee in deep in love with Uke. So for ya to jump to ya conclusions and call him trash, I take this obsessive Semi over Alex anyday. Alex got some mental probably that he should’ve seek help for before dating the Uke.

Taesung created a topic of On or Off

The ending seems a bit off??? Can someone explain why he chose to step down?

Can someone spoil for me if there’s any angst? I have a feeling his family background isn’t so good as in, they’re gonna try to meddle by either arrange marriage or something. Hence, that’s why he said he can’t talk much when he’s at his family house. Don’t want to waste my time reading only to find out some dumb ending.

Taesung created a topic of Faded First Love

Ngl, I was a bit bored but damn, it really drew me in. Really good read.

Taesung created a topic of Family Mate

I cannot stand the Uke. He is such a coward. Seme is such a greenflag that is willing risk everything for him considering Seme is good looking and can be consider out of class for Uke, but Uke is such a coward that he continous tuck his tail and run away. I'm glad he finally grew a pair of big balls and stood up to his mother. Wasn't a bad read though.

Taesung created a topic of Unfinished Business

Mido escaped and wasn’t actually assaulted. He met this young girl who took him in. This actually just made me hate Mido or Eugene more now. Our Uke suffered a lot while he was living fine with that young girl. So idk why he’s so bent on getting revenge. Our Uke suffered the most by being beaten up and living as a gangster for his whole life and now gets abused by Eugene. Probably not gonna read this no more because it doesn’t make sense at all. The abuse Uke goes through is just too much, kinda reminds me of Sadist Love Story BL where the Uke keeps getting raped by the Seme.

Taesung created a topic of The Deputy Wants To Do It

Idk, not a fan of the side story which focused on the other couple. I want more of the main because we spent more than half the time with the Seme chasing after the Uke and it literally ended right when Uke finally admit his feelings for Seme.

Taesung created a topic of Melting Into You

I'm glad I came across this on instagram and then finally read it. What I didn't like was how Uke kept pushing Seme to reunite with his family, when they did him dirt. Like Uke needs to understand why Seme hates his family who abandonded him from a young age and chose the older brother who was a dominate alpha. While I get that the older brother might have been forced by the parent, overall, what's done is done and the older brother should understand too where the Seme is feeling after being ignore all his life by everyone he loved. But aside from that, green flag seme for sure and Uke is smart too. Part of me want some side stories of the blondie doing a chasing arc with another dominate omega.

I read and it was part of the side story, NOT main. ML lost his memory from a car accident. As the spoiler person said, he and MC parted ways. What the other person didn't include was, that after playing pool one day, a woman stopped him basically trying to sleep with him. He didn't resist and followed along, NOT that he wanted to sleep with her as he made it clear he didn't have any sexual urges. The girl tried flirting, but ML said he knows this type of behavior, and if he would just park the car in a quiet place and reached his hand out, she’ll be all over him. But again, he was just trying to kill time, not sleep with anyone. He just wanted waste time because he was bored.

Long story short, they went from bar to her home. She tried flirting and one point, she took her clothes off and wanted to have sex, ML tried to prolong it by telling her to go take a shower. I believe she gave him a quick kiss based on what the translation told me before hopping into the bathroom. While waiting, MC was thinking how this was such a waste of time and what is he even doing here. Then MC called telling him that he’s moving out and ML just left while running fast to basically see MC face before leaving.

Fast forward, ML went crazy looking for MC everywhere because he moved away and hid from ML. Somehow ML found out MC went back to his parents place and followed him there. Long story short, MC still rejected ML and the only way ML thought he could stay close to MC is by lying that he is trying to find his memoires. MC agrees to help and is happy spending time. A bit later, ML confess that he doesn’t ML told MC that even though he lost his memory, he still wants MC. Thus, he continue to lie to MC so MC will stay by his side. ML eventually confess that he wasn’t actually looking for his past memories. He just wanted to still stay by MC side and even with memory lost, he still love MC.

They get back together ofc and ML got his memory back. Wasn’t really all that angst to me tbh. Yeah, I didn’t like how he hung around girls but he made it clear it was just to pass the time. He didn’t like nor slept with them.

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Kuroi is a 37 year old man serving as the second in command of a sub-group headed by a major Yakuza ...

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  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance