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gayvatarthelastgaybender created a topic of Corrosive

awww this story is going be so wholesome in the future and not rapey and brutal at allll

gayvatarthelastgaybender followed a goer

I love reading yaoi with stalking, graping, murder ,omegaverse ,confinement, abusive realtionships, BDSM, S&m, BUFF SEME X BUFF UKE. ( Not child porn)

1 days
gayvatarthelastgaybender created a topic of The Foul

lord why did i have to read the spoilers....

gayvatarthelastgaybender created a topic of The Foul

my kitty is purring

i don't like this guy wdym you had the "urge to sleep with him" TOUCH GRASS SINNER

damn what is up with geto and pity
eager to know his lore tbh

I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS TROPE I've been wanting to read something like this for a while! does anyone know stories like this pls share <3

garam just turned into justin beiber for a second there

for a second there i fr thought we were getting a puppy seme... sigh, next.

definitely feels like gaslighting

gosh inhwee you're so fucking embarrassing
why does every bl mc have to be so insufferable

gayvatarthelastgaybender created a topic of Profundis

i need your help you need to kill me