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Erifer created a topic of Honey Trouble

There's a limit on how clueless and dense you can be. This was why your blondie friend was warning you about that professor of yours cuz he knew something like this was going to happen and yet you just went to his house during his rut.

Erifer created a topic of I Want to Spoil Ikurou-san

I'm so half she's not really romantically interested in him. She is just fangirling over her bias actor! I can't blame you girl! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Erifer created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

I get it, you're in agony and despair and feeling disgusted with yourself but how is having sex with another person suppose to fix it when it's one reason it made you feel that way in the first place!

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Erifer created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Let everyone see how the person they bullied is actually a very handsome man! Eat that! Bwhahahaha

Erifer created a topic of Honey Trouble

One guy after another pops in and the blonde still can't confess and is being so possessive and clingy that it's not cute anmore. Red hair is so dense, so blondie really should just say his feelings.

Erifer created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Not until he experiences what Ho-in experience would I completely accept him.

Erifer created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I still hate that Chunwoo for what he did.
I still can't forgive him. He still needs to do more! I want to see him get super jealous. Thats all I ask for! I want him to feel what ho-in felt.