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The emperor was forced to kneel in front of everyone BY A GODSDAMNED CHILD HAHAHAHA how's that for a reminder of Boleoti's strength, you suckerrrrr

As--si created a topic of Foul's Start

Turning into bubbles, singing, going after a man. BWAT will make me cry again, seems like

Trust me, both parties are aware they've messed up. They just weren't able to stop their mouth in the heat of the moment. This is funny to me ngl, on top of the comments sounding like (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

As--si created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower


10k gold as a fine is definitely a good amount, considering Angenas borrowed money as the price to force Perez into the academy. That, and the high costs of triva wood and the construction in the west probably put a dent on those coffers.

The angenas were relying on the expected tourism boom in the west to recoup the cost. However, since house Ivan vowed not to "export" triva wood for the next five years plus commercial triva stocks are now going to the north it'd be challenging for the Angenas to complete the tourism makeover they're gunning for. The delay would result in loss of gold.

Lombardis will devour them whole if perez doesn't get to them first. Empress gotta get her shit together.

I am waiting for the illegal real estate misadventure of the First Prince too. Thay should blow up in hos face nicely.

As--si created a topic of Honto Yajuu
As--si created a topic of Crush and Burn

Gettung worse, imho. Forget yaoi hand, their head sizes are waaaay off now lol.

As--si created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

I know the kid’s sleeping but WAKE HIM UP AND SHOW HIM YOURE ALRIGHT now the kid’s woken up before you, saw you in pain without anybody telling him it’s not that bad or it’s not his fault (parental guidance).

Minato’s gonna internalize that. Not relevant to the plot but that’s how ISSUES are made hahahahaha

As--si created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

hasn’t changed his underwear in months but didn’t ask salescat theo to tell the hunter old man to get him clothes and detergent.

Churu can go to the 99th floor but hasnt thought of basic necessities

As--si created a topic of Lucky Paradise

But I’m enjoying the chaos (also, they’ve still got stuff to iron out, and I get that these little relationships stuff isn’t really contributing to the plot but CHAOS)

As--si created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

Stackable 10x an hour. Lose 3 kg in an hour. Imagine the health nuts on social media losing their minds.

As--si created a topic of Papa to Oyaji no Uchi Gohan

bitch jus go get married leave them alone wtf what u want seichiro for? To make him have a hard time adjusting to a new environment and accept a new “papa” for your own satisfaction and greed?

As--si created a topic of 1 to 10

couldn’t stand just watching HAHAHAHAHAHA they’re so funny

As--si created a topic of 19 Days

somebody tell me please

As--si created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

translation plot, but the actual translation is iffy at times + duplicates. Doesn't take away from Siha's cuteness though. What if he his first full sentence would be in a language other than Korean, like Afrikaans or Rioplatense or Romanian? makes me laugh at how sihyuk's face might look like lol

As--si created a topic of Kids Log

I need some old school plot pls

As--si created a topic of Beloved Kunitama

(while having furry potential at the same time wtf)

As--si created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

She could help, sure but by how much? Would it be enough to make a difference or would she slow them down? They have to go as fast as they can but it'd still take 20 days if nothing goes wrong then it's into the fray once they arrive. Will she even be okay in transit since she hasn't really done anything to increase her physical stamina (like a low-tier game healer).