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Jay's feed

Jay created a topic of Campus Secret Girlfriend ♡

Okay I know practically everyone is going to ignore this because the fujoshis here refuse to think critically but this was awful. I'm so sick of this tired trope that's based in transmisogyny of 'perverted gay men in dresses deceiving innocent straight men to get in their pants' it paints trans women and gnc gay men as predatory and I'm so sick of it. I always get really excited when I see yaoi characters are gender non conforming and use fluid pronouns because as a trans person I can relate to it more and look forward to seeing how their gender presentation influences them but 9/10 it's always "haha look at this predatory man in a dress who practically S3xually assaults this poor innocent man constantly" and I can't take it. For those of you thinking "Seme isn't trans!" Most cis people see gnc men, trans women and gay fem men in the exact same light and well continue to. And to those of you saying "it's just fiction!" this trope is so popular because it's what these authors genuinely think 'a man wearing a dress' intends. Regardless of MC being an asshole, it's obvious to anyone with any literacy skills that the seme is coercive at best and a rapist at worst and we're just meant to accept it as funny because it's clearly the author's poorly disguised fetish's. I will always be the first one to defend fujoshis, because I think it's entirely dismissive and also racist to ignore a large part of Asia's queer rep and boil it down to fetishism, but it honestly gets hard to defend some of you guys. There are so many much better yaoi's out there with much better consensual and communicated couples, where the semes rapey behaviour isn't played for jokes or constantly forgiven. Where these stereotypes aren't pushed in such a gross and disgusting way. I implore everyone that rated this highly to do better