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assid created a topic of Love in Orbit


assid created a topic of In the Doghouse
assid created a topic of Free in Dreams

he kinda cute tho

That was so unsatisfying like scooping a water slime

They're both a loser (in a good way)

assid created a topic of Pear Blosom Love

If this is not a harem,can he give seunghyun to me? thanks

assid created a topic of Beware of the Great Beauty

Why did her neck suddenly extends like a tripod in one part ,that scared me

assid created a topic of Gig of the Day


assid created a topic of Confession Attack

Nah that red haired girl are doing too much,telling mc those fake stuff won't make him like her back dawg

Okay but like if that redhaired woman wanted that hairpin,you can just get a new one for her why would you snatch it up from another person???? hes so annoying

assid created a topic of Jinx

I'm waiting for his downfall right now, but how does his eyeliners always ate even in such bad situations? like what

assid created a topic of Gig of the Day

Did not know I ordered a yappachino

assid created a topic of Sugar Rain

Sir, It's okay to wear something casual sometimes,casual clothes won't eat you..

assid created a topic of Jinx

Both of them are so frustrating for some reason,theres this feeling of mine that wants to jump them so bad

That is not a cuck thats a whole missile weapon

assid created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

the slow burn is burning the cuck out of me

assid created a topic of Waterside Night

my stomach did the thing..(liver failure)

assid created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I hope mc strangles them all to death while they're doing the deed.

assid created a topic of Non Zero Sum

I hate myself even more after reading this

assid created a topic of Love in Orbit

get your stinky ass away from him atleast 3 meters away