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mijiji's feed

mijiji asked a question

Man, the grip I have on mangago being one of my life lines is honestly concerning but it's keeping me alive. Lmao. The site was down and I was just panicking, thinking of all the mangas/manhwas I've been reading. This isn't the first time I experienced the site being down, and the thought of this not being available is making me feel all kinds of emotions. I don't like reading on other sites except for a few scan group sites. ╥﹏╥
Please please please, if mangago is down, don't put it on social media, don't tweet about it, don't ask why is it down. Let's just hope for the best. Because we might get another time where comments weren't available because of "THAT" issue. Or worse, iykyk. I don't even wanna speak about it. Also, for the Love of all that is holy, stop posting this on t!kt0k. If you're gonna post, remove the translations and don't link this site.