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AnnieMay93 created a topic of 19 Days

Its so weird to remember that these are all middle school boys (I've never found them "hot" for that exact reason, although I do think they're all adorable and I love to see their relationships blossom). The author draws them like adults now and not that I'm complaining but it does make it confusing for people to understand the time line (It's properly explained in the chapters that are in the future.)

AnnieMay93 created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

How the hell is the ml going to ever have a redemption arc after this? He's a psycho asshole

Ugh I hate when authors end a season on such a big cliff hanger it's unethical

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

They both need therapy. Both of them are also being abusive to each other. If that's how their relationship is going to be then they shouldn't be together. That kind of toxic relationship will only get worse if they don't immediately change their ways.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Profundis

This story is like watching a car crash, I dont want to see it but I cant look away. This had been one of the most miserable plots I've ever read. It's just constant rape and downfall. The seme's all suck and the poor uke has no choice but to accept it. I don't see this having any type of "happy" ending whatsoever, I'm actually not even sure why I'm still reading it.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

This chapter really made my eyes well up, damn. Je-oh deserves better. I'm glad he has someone who loves him and wants to protect him now. I know this story might not necessarily get a "happy ending" but I hope they find peace together in the future.

I used to really love this manhwa because they had good communication and it was a cute fluffy relationship where they were there for each other but now I'm starting to feel like this is becoming just like any other drama where there's unnecessary miscommunication, forcing oneself on their partner and then just glossing over it and stupid side characters that keep adding conflict for no reason. I don't mind a little drama and some miscommunication is perfectly normal in a relationship but come on... this is getting ridiculous. I really hope woowon opens up to Seo An and tells him everything and vice versa.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Hmm I know a lot of people have an issue with the new art style and although I do prefer the old style I still think it's pretty, just a little different than what we're used to.
People are also upset that the mc has changed is now "weak" but I honestly think it's much more realistic. For the first time in his life he could relax and feel safe with someone. Once the fight or flight response is no longer a constant thing all your brain can focus on is the trauma and fucked up shit you once had to bury in order to survive. Of course he's got severe PTSD and of course he's mentally struggling. I think the author made him this unstable for a reason and I hope he gets saved before even more traumatic events happen to him.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

I'm sobbing, this is such a cute story and the ending is so sweet!!

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Under the Green Light

Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen after this??? I need more fluff

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Monday'saviour

I'm so confused by the seme. He wants the uke to be completely his and never leave his side, he even calls him baby and takes care of him, but he doesn't want to go out with him and tell him he has feelings for him?? It would make the most sense if he just went out with him

AnnieMay93 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

He can never catch a break, he should have finally felt some relief to be free from that shitty lifestyle and now he's having to deal with a lifetime of PTSD and trauma and on top of that his subordinate is going to SA him... im honestly heart broken for our uke.

Am I the only one that still feels weird that the author just glossed over the fact that seo an forced himself on woowon a few chapters back?
I love this couple and I love this story so I'm not going to stop reading it but it caught me by surprise (not in a good way) that the author would throw that unnecessary detail into this relationship. They're so cute and respectful of each other, it just seemed so out of character and random and it's still bothering me.

Why are their nipples pointing upwards?! I've never been so put off by an artists bodily anatomy... I can't get past the disturbing nips. I'm going to erase this chapter from my memory.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Limited Run

These comments are killing me I cant stop laughing

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Solo For Two

So... is sasya just going to abandon the kid?? I'm confused on why he won't just tell Karel about him!
Also, both of these mf's are delusional and insane.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Paljae

Do you think they'll actually show smut? I didn't think this story would but now idk. Not that I'm complaining, I just didn't expect it lol

How can we kill a fictional character? Asking for a friend.

AnnieMay93 created a topic of An Abyss

Did Shahid just fucking leave yesing after pounding out his guts mercilessly?! Im not going to lie, I hate Shahid. He doesn't deserve yesing!

AnnieMay93 created a topic of Monday'saviour

Well we all knew this Is a psychological bl, now it's really starting to get crazy. I figured it would end up like this.