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bbbbbb asked a question

I've got too much things to read now I really don't know where to start

bbbbbb followed a goer
01 04,2024

rosie x yuriel best ship
They cooked the whole manhwa

black haired one is a big red flag, he literally did those things to him when he was drunk and unconscious.. I don't like him.
The crown prince is a little confusing Idk I think he's improving.
White haired one!! for now he's the best option in my opinion, let's see If I change idea.

bbbbbb followed a goer

My name is Lilla
I'm a cat lover 
I like anime and manga
My hobby is beading.

31 03,2024
bbbbbb created a topic of To deny the route

does anyone have a manga/hwa/hua with a similar plot? thankss

bbbbbb created a topic of Eleceed
bbbbbb created a topic of Eleceed

I want more scenes with his friendss (make them fight together or something so they can see how Jiwoo has changed)

bbbbbb followed a goer

Kuroshitsuji ED (english trans) 
by Yuya Matsushita


We, like the flowers and the trees, are pitiful, 
for we can only extend upward towards the sky. 
We realize this when we look down once in a while, 
but then again we look back up.

You look so sad in your sleep, 
as if you are having a nightmare. 
I'm right here, right by your side,
and I'm not going anywhere anymore. 
How do I live without you?

Everyone looks at the sky.
They look up, and again look back down, 
and they lament because they are unable 
to find that blue sky they once saw in the past.

Switching between being free and being selfish, 
we have lived this far.
Under this night sky without even a single star, 
unable to see my destination, I simply wander about.

There hasn't been anything scary at all, 
just that there's nothing for me to protect. 
Be it tomorrow or 10 years from now on, 
I'm scared of what will happen then. 
I need huggin' my sweet heart.

Everyone weeps at the sky.
They reach out their hands, and start dreaming, 
and they will forever protect 
that blue sky they once saw in the past.

Although there are figures soaring in the sky, 
I no longer yearn for that kind of freedom. 
Nobody is truly free; 
that is not true freedom, 
simply that there are no roads in the sky.

This midair space, otherwise known as "you", 
oh please lock me in.
I'm not going anywhere anymore.
Please don't go anywhere anymore.

In the middle of the sky, 
everyone is locked inside this cage called "freedom". 
All I need is you by my side, 
and then in this sky I'll have no more need for wings.

28 03,2024
bbbbbb created a topic of Little Mushroom

You're doing a great job!! the art is amazing and we appreciate you're effort (please don't ruin your sleep)

bbbbbb created a topic of Ojisan to Miiko


When are you gonna repost chapter 15? I know there was a problem with it so you took it off but I really want to read itt aaa (anyways thanks for posting you're doing a great job)

bbbbbb followed a list

-Female Disguised as Male
-Male Disguised as Female 

-Gender Transformation
-Female to Male 
-Male to Female 
-Reincarnated as the Opposite Gender

-Body Swap
-Body Sharing

11 03,2024