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《null》 created a topic of Jinx

Heeded the advice, I re-read chap 35 and I got bits I've missed maybe first reading it. Here's some:

1. Heesu thought JK has feelings for Doc, and Doc also. Imo, all he saw was possessiveness in JK's part. Like a kid not wanting to share his toy.

2. Yoon-gu has one-sided feelings for JK. I thought it was adoration, admiration in maximum only.

3. I thought Heesu was no better than JK. When he said he wanted to settle down, I rooted for him for a while to be Doc's end game but then he turned out to be just another a-hole. I hope Yoon-gu won't let him treat him like a booty-call.

Overall, the boys in this are first rate a-holes. Am I still reading? YES. I want to see this until the end because the author promised us a delicious redemption arc. I want these a-holes to crawl, to beg, to cry out blood for the cinnamon rolls.