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DeDe4U created a topic of Night Song

Jesus fucking Christ I love it. And it’s uncensored!

DeDe4U created a topic of Dreadful Night

This is an interesting read and I’m liking it so far it’s pretty different than the typical bls

DeDe4U created a topic of Missing Love

I’m so happy the chat is back up so I can know before taking my time to read some of these stories if it’s even worth it to begin with.

DeDe4U created a topic of Honey Trouble

Basically turned him into an abusive psychopathic rapist. the other lead can’t stand on his own two feet and say enough so he’s now some damsel in lala land being casually abused..turned me off, I hate when writers get into this weird “fetish”. That is how I see it at this point since it’s such a beloved theme amongst most writers

DeDe4U created a topic of Night Song

I like the sex scenes but I’m gonna need more regular fluffy scenes and just things with them casually chatting it up. I want more of a personal relationship buildup

DeDe4U created a topic of Night Song

That’s a perfectly drawn huge dick! I always enjoyed the uncensored versions so yay

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20 11,2021