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The last update for this is still 2021....

It wasn't that bad... The ratings is too low. (︶︿︶)=凸

sweetpotato created a topic of In the Doghouse

Anyone do you know where we can read raw ?

sweetpotato created a topic of Omega Bite

Wow that's hell of creep (︶︿︶)=凸

sweetpotato created a topic of Gunjou Other Half

This manga is actually is cute and quite wholesome. (︶︿︶)=凸

No update, thought i already read the novel..

Is it just me whom somehow took pity for both of them.
I pity Nanase where she have PTSD due to rape. it is something that you can not brush of easily. At the same time i am pity the doctor he wants to take responsibility over what happen but since the experience is forced and unintentionally its difficult for both of them.

Every time Haruto talk to the prince and princess.
Bruh they are your siblings (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

sweetpotato created a topic of Turning

They will not bang that much, but it's definitely sweet every each time.

Silvia is so cute when hair is down.... Sabnock is great older brother... A great papa too

sweetpotato created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

It will be nice if cheja have golden eyes.....
"Golden hot choco"

sweetpotato created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Baby Seth ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

sweetpotato created a topic of Turning

The next chapter he will ask him to sleep with him.

sweetpotato like topic of Turning

I believe that Kishiar has been eyeing/liking on Yuder since the 1st life. As for Yuder he was soo DENSE of not knowing it until his death (︶︿︶)=凸

Read the novel. The slow burn, the WAIT WORTH IT..

sweetpotato created a topic of Turning

I believe that Kishiar has been eyeing/liking on Yuder since the 1st life. As for Yuder he was soo DENSE of not knowing it until his death (︶︿︶)=凸

Read the novel. The slow burn, the WAIT WORTH IT..

sweetpotato created a topic of Turning

Though I HIGHLY RECOMMEND for you to read the novel from the start (chapter 1) rather jumping a specific chapter.

200 first kiss
328 the first sword fight