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Well, it's true that Kazuma has turned out to be more of a slut than i previously thought but that has nothing to do with you going to the orgy and having sex with someone on your owN

His ass has been destroyed for good

I can't believe i actually got excited like it's a real update

Lyle finds out Ash turns into a dom daddy when he's in rut

Nightingale created a topic of Hitori H Online

Mamiya tf is wrong with you

Nightingale created a topic of Jinx

The only webtoon I'm glad I read illegally, otherwise i couldn't bear to pay for reading this shit

Noooo not the love triangle with the neighbor please And he has a adorable birb too

Nightingale created a topic of Hosik's story

Damn, i read this like years ago and it did feel a bit creepy but i didn't think much of it since it was a cute story. But now that i look at it, it really really IS creepy.

Nightingale created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

A good husband is the one who cares for you like you're a baby and fucks you like an enemy