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oohSee created a topic of Steel Under Silk

This is going to be so tragic i need to get my tissues ready

oohSee created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I’m gonna have to suffer after it ends….

oohSee created a topic of Afterglow
oohSee created a topic of Mad Dog

This is getting too good aghhhhh

oohSee created a topic of Chase me, Watchdog

Oh my gadd this is too wholesome i’m not ready for the angst …..

oohSee created a topic of Hagoromo Kitan
oohSee created a topic of Wet Sand

I think I’m gonna die if Ian doesn’t end up with TJ happily in the end

oohSee created a topic of Profundis

I want to kill all of them myself and run away with ma boy

oohSee created a topic of Undercover Darling

This has sooo much potential….

oohSee created a topic of The Crow
oohSee created a topic of Limited Run

aghhhh i cannott!!! i need MORE

oohSee created a topic of Steel Under Silk

The latest chapters are too wholesome my anxiety is through the roof

oohSee created a topic of Afterglow
oohSee created a topic of Wet Sand

This manhwa makes me want to cry my eyes out every fckin timee

oohSee created a topic of Profundis

This is too much i cannot mc’s ass needs a fckin break

oohSee created a topic of Profundis

I cannot…wtf is thissss give him a breakkk

oohSee created a topic of Night Song

This is soo fckin damn goof wtf

oohSee asked a question

Is there a bl with long hair power uke and obsessive seme?