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weirdme February 26, 2018 5:49 pm

Damn, that cover though.

weirdme February 12, 2018 11:07 am

Thanks for sharing. WTF ending lol.

To ppl who said, stop uploading and stuff. You only said that to protect yourself. What's the point of releasing a scanlation if not for ppl to read.

If the group so against it just don't share and read on your own. Do so and there won't be the garbage who said no upload bullshit.

    Lasla February 12, 2018 12:02 pm

    They can chose to share it to public or not, it's their time, money or effort. I don't know much about these private project, but I rather just not know about them and move on. Than having curiousity kill the cat.

    weirdme February 12, 2018 1:09 pm
    They can chose to share it to public or not, it's their time, money or effort. I don't know much about these private project, but I rather just not know about them and move on. Than having curiousity kill the c... Lasla

    I dunno much about it either but I get tired of these garbage ppl (I called them that because if you haven't noticed they all new accounts or anonymous aka throw away account). Harassing ppl here and the thread. I never active commentor but this particular manga thread is very toxic. I prefer the normal thread where ppl talk about the manga and one-liner joke about the story/character etc.

    weirdme February 12, 2018 1:14 pm

    To anonymous, if you want your comment to be taken seriously don't post anonymously.

    I entitled to delete comment on my thread. Also I never said "should" and asked anything to be scanlated unless I paid commission for it. Stop projecting words in my mouth.

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