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tma-404 created a topic of New World Lovetopia

the way the Angel became human is defo because he cut off his wings. since angel wings are essentially meant symbolise their divinity and so him cutting off his wings was, in a way, him cutting off his divinity or his connection to it, making him a regular human. I think I might just be deeping it but i this is what I assumed

tma-404 created a topic of The Worst Mermaid Auction

this was like falling down a flight of stairs on a dark night and the lights aren't working

tma-404 created a topic of Double Trap
tma-404 created a topic of Jinx

mingwa defo into watersports bc god

tma-404 created a topic of Shitto wa ai o Kumoraseru

while reading this I always had this bittersweet feeling, maybe it was because I related to Kirino and seeing so many of my feelings and thoughts translated into a media that I love like manga and stuff rlly hit hard. at some point I was js breaking down because I got and felt how Kirino felt. this manga is truly amazing and rlly got me immersed

tma-404 created a topic of ENNEAD

ok but can we talk abt how hot horus looks without that bird mask

tma-404 created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

im sorry but that baby is ugly and it looks so big when they carry her

tma-404 created a topic of Dreadful Night
tma-404 created a topic of His Enemy Downstair

I don't like siwon all that much, I just found him irritating and I feel like his constant immaturity was just blegh. he never actually talked to yoonsung about it, leaving yoonsung just confused, not knowing what he did wrong, of which, he didn't do anything wrong. yoonsung was just really kind and was sweet and rlly did love siwon but siwon just treated him pretty shitty, like yeah he does love yoonsung bc why else would he be upset but his lack of communication skills is just frustrating

tma-404 created a topic of Angel Buddy

back in 2021-2022, I keep trying to read it but I was caught up with other stuff, now I finally got time to read it oml, ended up binging in a night


tma-404 created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

danwoo is so cute omg... anyways him and woori are hella cute

tma-404 answered question about question
rn I'm taking a gap year since I graduated early, but I'm planning on taking mass comms since it has a wide range of jobs and stuff that I can work in too, I was thinking if becoming a journalist in the future since I enjoyed writing. I initially wanted to become a teacher, so I was thinking of doing a bachelors in education and go from there ^^
tma-404 created a topic of Love on Air

I rlly wanna see some side stories abt the younger brother since he's such an interesting character, he doesn't even have to be abt his love story or whatever, I kinda just wanna see more of him

tma-404 created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal
tma-404 created a topic of Honey Trouble

love the art, the art is beautiful but the ml and the prof are just terrible

tma-404 created a topic of Our Sunny Days

this is so cuteee, the baby is cute, the relationship is cute, when he turns into a walrus, that's also cute wtf why is everything so sweet and wholesome

blah blah blah both guys are trash, girl is a fucking dumbass, couldn't get past ch 5. how is there just 83 chapters of this it's most likely just gonna be super repetitive, or have a rlly predictable plot

if ur partner doesn't give u time like that, u gotta be up front, tell them that you're their lover and they need to start prioritising you, don't be a dumbass and try to justify the shitty things that they do just because you don't want them to be the bad guy. relationships are all about communication and trust, and if you're unable to communicate and talk to your partner about such a thing, then the two of u shouldn't be together.

tma-404 created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

I'm too high to be reading this shit