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ratio like photo (from bro.....)
ratio like photo (from begging)
ratio followed a goer
10 12,2021
ratio followed a goer

will come at you if you say some stupid shit

10 12,2021
ratio followed a goer

10 12,2021
ratio followed a goer

pika.... CHUUUU!!!! 
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

07 12,2021
ratio followed a goer

“I promise, you will not find another 
person who is more sincere than me 
in this world.”

02 12,2021
ratio add 1 photos to .
ratio followed a goer
03 11,2021
ratio followed a goer

I oscillate frequently between the states: 
1) All flavors and sizes of BL 
2) fluffy straight romances (..I'm weak for the isekai , but also simp for stories with cool af Female leads) 

Recently resparked joy from cool/action mangas, so may descend further down that rabbit hole 

Cough, don't mind me lurking on this site prob too frequently. But if not, I'm probably on an AO3 BL kick but will be back shortly for I'm a pendulum consistently oscillating on the BL continuum

26 10,2021