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kitkat ! created a topic of Uncommon Alpha

whatever i was reading was not english cause wtf

kitkat ! created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
kitkat ! created a topic of Jinx


kitkat ! created a topic of Waterside Night

oh my god im gobna jump off a 10 story building

kitkat ! created a topic of Risky Vice
kitkat ! created a topic of D:AZE

bro says that but hes clearly catching feelings already

kitkat ! created a topic of Risky Vice
kitkat ! created a topic of Codename Anastasia

ermm chat…what the actyal fuck

kitkat ! created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

that was actually so rude of skylar…(i clapped when he punched that bitch)

kitkat ! created a topic of Nerd Project


kitkat ! created a topic of Waterside Night

baby thanks for cheering him and me up

kitkat ! created a topic of Global Examination

if i had 2 wishes i eould ask for this story to be finishrd and 9 million dollars

kitkat ! created a topic of Not Blossom

the art and plot is nice but someone should explain to me whats currently happeninf cause i lowkey dont understandq

kitkat ! created a topic of Spinach Bouquet
kitkat ! created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

im sorry but the major change with the artist in s2 is sending me

kitkat ! created a topic of Dive (yeonpil)

no pls i wsn5 more this csnt be the end

kitkat ! created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
kitkat ! created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

green flag behaviour hip hip hooray !!!!!!