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aurora created a topic of Waterside Night

Euihyun's face when Taeju was cupping his cheeks.. (i need him so bad)

aurora created a topic of Shining Summer

bro is so weird wtf

aurora created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

reading this last chapter while listening to The Greatest by Billie Eilish made me cry so much lmao

aurora created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

little heejae would be so happy to know that 21 year old heejae has someone like seyoung

aurora created a topic of Check You Out

ooooh next chapter gonna be so good

aurora created a topic of Proposal scandal

boyfriend with puppy energy and head over heels for his gf is so

aurora created a topic of Check You Out

“because i think i might actually die if i don’t fuck you today” *manifesting this to all readers*

aurora created a topic of Dangerous Convenience Store

the way i'm only capable of feeling butterflies with ahjuicy

aurora created a topic of ARTS MANZ

the black haired dude is so so good :( if he doesn’t end up w him at least i hope the author makes them all fall in love with each other and date

aurora created a topic of Mad Dog

bro when he grabbed his face I LEGIT got scared for him……. i was so happy when i saw the next panels

aurora created a topic of On To You

guys.. i saw pics of both tops cuddling… WE WON

aurora created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

bro ur the one who should be isolated from society and the last question was so?? he thinks everything revolves around him lmaooo

aurora created a topic of Heart Racer

if SOMEHOW he doesn’t have the recording i'm gonna get fucking mad

aurora created a topic of Between the Years

i wanted to see him asking him to be his boyfie !!!

aurora created a topic of Crucial Point
aurora created a topic of Work Love Balance

is it wrong i actually want him to have something with the other guy? NOT MY FAULT i'm mad at what director said, like wdym he’s gonna date a lot more ppl?

aurora created a topic of Home

just leave u motherfucker

aurora created a topic of Waterside Night

“I'm asking you to let me officially be Euihyun's lover… C'mon, date me… *with a desperate look on his face*” this part was just *chef's kiss*

aurora created a topic of Crucial Point

wdym ur also being satisfied by fucking him