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tomi created a topic of Maria no Danzai

i hope that bitch would meet his judgement

tomi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door
tomi created a topic of To deny the route

having no hair below the neck?? he seriously living with my dream

tomi created a topic of Jinx
tomi created a topic of Unfinished Business

lmao seriously i can't with them this ml is really idiot he's just focuses on how to revenge not knowing the real reason why the mc do that like theyre are literally child when that happen lol......this plot is so fucked up

tomi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

i wonder how neu will react if he finally knows that jistar talking about pervert stalker was him

tomi created a topic of Unfinished Business

theyre both fucked up LITERALLY FUCKED UP.
like WHAT THE HECK why this uke so dumb and that blonde is so FREAKING PSYCHO

if that was my sister i would rather die than being related to her like wtf...

tomi created a topic of Night Fragments

honestly im kinda have a ick when vince said "im not sure if i can forget about him" it sounds like aryka is being a rebound... but pls i hope it doesnt turn out really worst

tomi created a topic of Love in Orbit

sohan's father so annoying i want him to leave RIGHT FCKING NOW!!!

tomi created a topic of We Are Not Destiny

why did i felt like it was rushed huhu

the sister was a bitch honestly she wasnt even apologize to his brother and now she suggested to put the plot back on what it is..... you really want to kill your brother didnt you

tomi created a topic of Undead (TSUYUHISA Fumi)

i love the story i just dont like how Ai slept with yukio just bcs he is inlove with hikaru like i just find it really sus and uncomfy

tomi created a topic of Desharow Merman

the mermaids/merman should killed them they are full of bitches

tomi created a topic of ARTS MANZ

i want the black haired guy to be a ML

tomi created a topic of To deny the route

i love it that ilya save jerry but i want the mc to be a bad bitch so he can prove himself that he is not scared to them lol

tomi created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

ARGGHH I REALLY HATE CLOUGH!!!! i just want aeroc to be with someone else not a piece of shit like him