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Anonymous created a topic of Abnormal Rommate

God I hope they just end up as gay beasties or soemthing please lord

Anonymous created a topic of Abnormal Rommate
Anonymous created a topic of Abnormal Rommate

Reading this story is like taking 2 steps forward and 5 steps back with a u-turn like PROGRESSS PLEASEEEEEEPEPELELELELELELELEPEP

Anonymous created a topic of Popping Candy
Anonymous created a topic of Nerd Project

Soemth9ng about this art is just so flirty like there is so much tension with just the art and the way Andrew's eyes look like WOW

Anonymous created a topic of Define The Relationship

Oh dear now this THIS IS A DOMINANT GUY

Anonymous created a topic of Smyrna & Capri


Anonymous created a topic of Another Lie

I'm jjst confused yall Ion even remember the plot

Anonymous created a topic of Weather Forecast Killer

Whaaaaa so interesting looking

Anonymous created a topic of Gig of the Day

On my mum I say if taeseo says or decided to play wit my kid like that illenter the verse I swear I like reach into the screen and yank that rectangular bitch

Anonymous created a topic of Gig of the Day

Also yeomin got a big ol head ngl, like yall see where the bangs begin???

Anonymous created a topic of Gig of the Day

I have a really, really bad feeling about taeseo... like I can't shake it off. I feel so worried for yeomin I just pray he will be fine. His past is sad. like how can you abandon.. a kid like that man what??

Anonymous created a topic of Haruka Tooki Ie
Anonymous asked a question

Bls with like neglected/depressed like basically mentally unstable x cute/bright/playboy/playfully typa guy stories? Like, Jaeha and Sagong from Serious joke

Anonymous asked a question

Yall should rewatch and reread Owari no Seraph? I fiest saw it in like 2021 and now I don't even remember it so..

Anonymous created a topic of Owari no Seraph

Yall I watched the anime and read this manga like 2 years ago.. I don't remember anything now. Should I rewatch and read again..?

Isn't serious a cross dresser...? Like wdym trans. Where did THAT come from.. yall just making ur own story now. Cross dressing is common in Asia, seryoung is his real name, he has a prety face and just grew out his hair and wore dresses,, so uhm.. yall u got me Confused. Also everyone aroujd him thinks he is a girl. Like cis, but he isa guy who wears dresses. How does that = being trans???

Anonymous created a topic of Dark Fall

Reading this for nergal and cliff bro, I've lost all hope for revenge and plot. MY LONG HAIRED GORGEOUS MEN NGH