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The novel showed xiu xingyue's relationship with that director even more demeaning. At the dinner meeting they had, the director had xiu xingyue drink a lot, objectifying her like a paid escort that can be played with and lend to the other men there. Not verbatim but in essence, what the director described:
"Comparing xiu xingyue with wen li, of course the men's treatment is different. Wen li is song Yan's wife so they must treat her with respect and can't be bullied/teased (as in have her serve the drinks, be arm candy, take shots until drunk). Whereas xiu xingyue can even be loaned out, accompany the other men, gave them a taste. He already invested a lot of resources on her, so she should know her place and bear with it, even serving old men not as handsome as what she wants like song yan, until she can make profit roi and become a bigger star."
This chapter skipped the rough night they had where the director scolded (and kinda physically abused) her for being shameless approaching song yan. He's mad because she was obvious about it and he felt embarrassed that his sugar baby didn't show him respect in front of his friends by pursuing song yan. rare occasion that I'm glad they skipped things from the novel
Tbh that circle of acquaintance with that director was infuriating. even wen li was at first treated better only because she's married to song yan.
(I read the novel only once some time ago so might not be 100% accurate but this is what I remember)