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i have no money's feed

i have no money created a topic of Love in Orbit

so none of yall think he might just be pushing sihwa away on purpose?
1. we’ve already established that he has an anxious-avoidant attachment style or something similar
2. plus his fear of abandonment, so put them together and he’d rather push those who care away than watch them leave (he believes sihwa will have to go back home, and he cant go if he still has attachment to his life on earth)
3. sihwa also has attachment issues, but the unhealthy way it comes out for him is shown in the last chapter, where he clings so hard to sohan it tears skin. i’d say he’s more of an anxious attached style(or something along that vein). Not to mention the toxic teaching he had while growing up that all alphaens are superior to other races/ only the strong ones matter in the end.

4. their relationship was a lil codependent, as both had their own parent/childhood issues to bring to the table. but they each know how to balance each other out. sohan (literally and figuratively) brings sihwa down to earth, brings him off his superiority complex throne, and into his arms to know what it is to be human, to love, to have friends. while sihwa, brings sohan out of his head and the avoidant, isolationist behavior, forcing him to interact with others and express his feelings. in a way, sohan also learns what love is like with sihwa.

5. it started out as a sort of situationship, but i truly think they fell for each other for real. i believe they will resolve this fight because i think we all know they can be without each other for long.

it wont be long till sihwa jumps sohan while sohan is in the middle of the street thinking about how he misses sihwa, and then they are both teleported to the ship that will fly them to sihwa’s planet(yes its kidnapping, but its desperate, crazy sihwa, what’d u expect)