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Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Liveta

Is the author fine? Is been so loooong

The misunderstanding get bigger and bigger (/TДT)/

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Slammer Dogs


That's it!? I need side storysss(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Senshi's panty shots answered question about character obsession
Bear, as long they don't feel threatened by me I'm safe

Is not enough I NEED MOREEE OF THEMM (●__●)

3 day!!?? I mean this is the first time they spend their heat with someone but 3 day ???!!!!

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Thirst

Really give us the thirst of what will happen next

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Backlight

He really need to grow some backbone

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Arthur

This comment— klaro kaayu tambay sa mrm ay ahhahaha

I'm still in prologue, I just wanted to share how surprised I am when the chapter moveI was like "WHAT!!??Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)"

Senshi's panty shots answered question about question
I'm speechless but not surprised bc of the animes, especially when they use a minor for the fan service :/

I really really love this story especially how the past and the present aligned ヾ(☆▽☆)

Senshi's panty shots asked a question

Any good historical bl reco?