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Yuki-tan's experience ( All 0 )

Yuki-tan's answer ( All 3 )

Discord is YukiNakajima#2600 Hope we can be friends ^^   reply
01 05,2020
30 04,2020
I'm 16 uwu we can be friends   1 reply
30 04,2020
Hello! my line is ichinoseyuki01 please add me :3   2 reply
07 03,2018

Yuki-tan's question ( All 2 )

I made a discord account like a year ago but my friend lists contain literally two people and one of them don't even use discord anymore so anyone wanna be friends? it's such a waste to not use discord anymore

I am:
-16 (turning 17)
-fujoshi (I love Yamamoto Kotetsuko)
-musical theatre kid

I'm pretty open to talk to anyone as long as you ain't a dry texter. I personally cannot keep a conversation because I'm very very shy so yee-

My Discord is YukiNakajima#2600

I hope we can get along (=・ω・=)
02 05,2020
I have like only 2 friends on LINE
I like anime, BL and both J-POP and J-ROCK but I don't know much artists or bands.
If you'd like anyone to talk to, feel free to add me and chat with me.
My LINE ID is ichinoseyuki01


Hope to talk to someone soon
11 03,2018

People are doing

want to do survived suicide

sick of people

2 hours
did survived suicide

crazy experience

6 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

10 hours