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gufeis created a topic of Not Blossom

The moment i saw this manhwa on Twitter, I’ve been waiting for it for almost 2 months!!! i had been so intrigued by the art style and now even more by the story. I cannot wait for more chapters!! I just hope it won’t be a tragedy….my heart is already breaking reading the first few chapters:(

gufeis created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

just finished it and still can’t process how invested i was in this story!!! the art, the plot, everything was so solid for me. also a moment to appreciate their sense of fashion like damnnn!!!

gufeis created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

ksjsjjs NOT HIM COMING EXACTLY AT 12 it’s killing me LMAO

gufeis created a topic of Wet Sand

This TJ vs Jo is becoming way toooo serious. Why don’t we all just calm down a bit and enjoy the story itself i get everyone has their own favs (I also do) but let’s just all keep our cool and not bring any of the characters down.

gufeis created a topic of Jinx

thank god we all collectively want jaekyung’s ass beaten up

gufeis created a topic of Reunion


gufeis created a topic of Night Song
gufeis created a topic of Backlight

ughhh its frustrating to see how weak the mc is like c’mon have some sense of self respect and just slap ml on his face

gufeis created a topic of My Bias Appeared?!
gufeis created a topic of Nerd Project

My god luke is so HOT THOSE ARMSSSS

gufeis created a topic of Jinx

At this point, i feel nothing for any of the characters. Dan is delulu (not saying he deserves this shit) but he himself KNOWS how jaekyung is and just turns a blind eye to it like bro as for jaekyung, not even god can save him

gufeis created a topic of Night Song

Are you kidding me????????

gufeis created a topic of Nerd Project
gufeis created a topic of Believe My Sign


gufeis created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

i love me a power uke and a puppy seme >.<

gufeis created a topic of 1 to 10

Please this manhwa is so funny for me

gufeis created a topic of Backlight

For once like for once we need a strong headed mc PLEASE!!! they let them be treated like shit like bro where the heck is your self esteem

gufeis created a topic of Night Song

jaeshin being all grumpy for a min because the prince didn’t say he likes him pls this man is whipped ISTG I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHH

Takiya radiates such puppy energy!!! Pls they’re so cute

gufeis created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

pls pls pls don’t go don’t THAT route