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Ally created a topic of Backlight

How can you be so dumb to fall for such blatant manipulation again and again?! Just tell him: "I don't want your STD-ridden dick anyway!", and leave. That will teach him

I started crying when I realized that in the beginning her clothes are black because they are mourning clothes, and she is still grieving her husband and child from her second life

This reminds me about reading a Reddit story where a woman's boyfriend cheated on her with her brother for years (while being in intimate relationship with her as well). Then both came out and got married, and were expecting her to be accepting and happy for them. The art truly mimics life.

Ally created a topic of Backlight

Ok, but for judo master that punch was weak as f*ck! ML didn't even budge. Kinda shows that bigger and stronger physic can outweigh fighting training sometimes?

Ally created a topic of That Summer (kim Hyun)

He freaked out cause he realized he's going to be the bottom lmao

Jokes aside, this is one of my favorite manhwas.

Ally created a topic of Where the Heart Is

Dabin is a guy, right? Why did the guy refer to him as a "young woman"? I'm confused lol

Ally created a topic of Cry Me a River

Why does everyone have second hand embarrassment from them doing it in front of everyone when it's clearly that sort of establishment (red lights district kind)? Did you not notice the girl and the guy sitting on the couch had naked people with them? Then the guy with his junk out and another naked in the background in the bar?
The only weird thing is that Go Hajoon didn't use a condom. Is it a "buy a drink and get a std for free" deal at this brothel?

Ally created a topic of Countdown to Love

Nooo, at least give us a kiss! The art is so gorgeous I don't want it to end

Ally created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Why all the phones look like from the 19th century?! We have iPhones in Russia too

Ally like the answer
girl if you have money then what are you doing here? go support the authors wtf. (I'm mangago's staff, btw. send money)
Ally created a topic of Countdown to Love

I ship Hoon x Namu. Namu is so cute!

Ally created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Everyone who is saying that she is leading Dohwa on needs to chill. Up until recently he wasn't giving much thought to their interactions either. It's after he's realized his feelings is when he's started romanticizing everything she does.