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LOLZ asked a question

BL group chat anyone. Leave your insta!!! I’ll add you!!

LOLZ asked a question

Nothing about manga just want to let you know there’s a insta group chat talking about Bl and other manga as well (tbh just talking about whatever) please leave you @ and let me know if you want to join!!!! (Please join(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜)

LOLZ created a topic of Heart Racer

The storytelling and pacing in this is god awful. Can’t bare to read anymore I’m gonna have to drop this….

LOLZ asked a question

Is it just me or now that the comments are back I feel like ppl have gotten more toxic?? I know it’s always been that way but jeez so many ppl fighting with each other….( ̄へ ̄)