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JadaSmith March 3, 2024 5:24 pm

I'm already missing his silver hair. He looked sooooooo fine!! It's so rare to see a male lead pull it off.

JadaSmith January 20, 2024 4:42 pm

I'm loving this so much. The art is amazing and Jeremy and Nora couldn't look better. The best part is the story is great too! They're so cool, their relationship is the best and I can't get enough. ヾ(☆▽☆)

JadaSmith December 23, 2023 6:05 pm

His face was priceless. it just made my day

    TwistedCupid December 24, 2023 11:30 pm

    Mermaid? Nah... MUSCLEMAID YAS!!! Carry me away my warrior Goddess.

JadaSmith December 15, 2023 9:18 am

If you want to avoid cliffhangers and a lot of heartache I advise you to stop reading after chapter 134!!!! Wait for at least 10 chapters. I read the novel and it's going to be hard to read one chapter at a time. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Momogo December 15, 2023 9:29 am

    Please spoil me huhu, after this they’re gonna accuse Penelope for bullying that light haired btch ( I do not apologize for forgetting her name). Btch victimizes herself and turns the fam against Pen, Eclise confesses then what happens next???? Please tell me His Royal Highness is on her side???? Spoil me with everything!!!!!! I beg you huhu

    JadaSmith December 15, 2023 11:53 am
    Please spoil me huhu, after this they’re gonna accuse Penelope for bullying that light haired btch ( I do not apologize for forgetting her name). Btch victimizes herself and turns the fam against Pen, Eclise ... Momogo

    Alright, I'll spoil you a little. They get a little brainwashed (her older brother is the worst one).
    So, it's her birthday, (I think she wanted to cancel but duke didn't allow it) Daddy duke visits her as he promised in ch 135, then there's the banquet, everyone is there, Callisto is there and then, in the middle of it, stupid brainwashed older brother Derrick, appears and brings Leila to the party, announces she's the lost sister against his father's will (he wanted to wait to see if she was the real deal and he wanted the party to be all about Pen. Reynald too). The system says the time is up and since Pen failed there's a penalty. All targets loose affection points.
    Pen is very hurt, with all this, but tries to play it cool and accepts her, even inviting her for the drink of the ceremony, until she noticed the stupid B plan: drink poisoned wine and blame Pen.
    She snatches the cup, drinks the poison and all hell breaks loose as she starts coughing blood and dying.
    I know it's a bad place to stop but I'm forgetting something. I know the duke and Reynald go to her and she's saved but don't know how. I'm going to check it out and if you want me I can continue. I also know latter she leaves the mansion after confronting Leila.

    Momogo December 15, 2023 1:08 pm

    Thank you so much!!! I confess my undying love for you (T^T) what happens next? What happens with eclis (that little sht)? And Callisto? If it isn’t a bother, please spoil me for the rest of the story

    I’ll still read this but I need to be assured there’s revenge and a happy ending, I won’t be able to cope if I invested too much feelings in this story and it turns to sht (pardon my cussing)

    snoopy December 15, 2023 6:36 pm
    Alright, I'll spoil you a little. They get a little brainwashed (her older brother is the worst one). So, it's her birthday, (I think she wanted to cancel but duke didn't allow it) Daddy duke visits her as he p... JadaSmith

    damn they wont give my girl a break

    JadaSmith December 15, 2023 11:46 pm
    Thank you so much!!! I confess my undying love for you (T^T) what happens next? What happens with eclis (that little sht)? And Callisto? If it isn’t a bother, please spoil me for the rest of the storyI’ll s... Momogo

    You're welcome (⌒▽⌒). I haven't finished the novel, I will read a little more this weekend, so no happy ending yet.
    I went back and realized that she had asked Winter for lethal poison before the party (it was for her farewell) but decided to be a good girl and not ruin it. So, Winter was at the party with a general antidote and saved her life.
    So, Pen took Leila's poison, fell down coughing blood and chaos ensues. The duke and Reynald rush over. Our dear Callisto bolts to her and starts yelling for a doctor as he hugs her, begging Pen to open her eyes.(/TДT)/ .
    Winter comes and saves her and the doctor arrives. (I'm skipping Derrick and other small things).
    She stays in a coma for days and Callisto stays next to her (prepare your tissues for this scene in the manhwa). The CP, Winter and her family have a talk about what happened at the party. I'll skip it too, unless you really want to know and suffer a lot (you might have guessed why Pen wanted poison). CP is called back because of the rebels, says his bittersweet goodbye to the sleeping Pen and a kiss. (If you want more juicy details here, say it. I left a few things out... it will be a good surprise.)

    As she is dying at the party, the system decides to give her the reward for saving the children and see the hidden ending while in a coma which is... Error "Game over" couldn't be reached because she entered a hidden route! To summarize, now she can only see the color bars and if she win, she recieves a hidden ending and reward.
    Then she wakes up, the duke and Renald come, they talk, one week has passed, Leila was confined to her room.
    She recovers and they all talk again, Pen tries to put the blame on herself to get out of the house but it doesn't go well, because the duke and Reynald don't want her to go. She also talks with Winter (He's completly on her side now) and she continues to recover. New quest appears to keep the mirror safe. Instead, she tries to destroy it in the incinerator but it fails and she meets Eclise. She refuses to talk, he says he tried to visit her and that he's no longer a slave, yada-yada, he says her family made her make the choice (of drinking poison) and Pen is pissed and says she drank it because of him.
    I'm off to sleep. I'll continue tomorrow but I'll make it shorter. These posts are getting big!( ̄∇ ̄")

    Momogo December 16, 2023 2:42 am
    You're welcome (⌒▽⌒). I haven't finished the novel, I will read a little more this weekend, so no happy ending yet. I went back and realized that she had asked Winter for lethal poison before the party (i... JadaSmith

    Waaahhhh thank you thank youuu~ yes go and sleep, regain thine strength you adorable human you (。ノ・ω・ )ノ

    JadaSmith December 16, 2023 11:41 am
    Waaahhhh thank you thank youuu~ yes go and sleep, regain thine strength you adorable human you (。ノ・ω・ )ノ Momogo

    I'm back. Since you didn't mention the juicy part, I'm continuing. Let it be a surprise.
    Eclise and Pen are talking, she blames him and he reveals he did it in hopes she would be thrown out of the house. (Seriously, this novel has some major intense, dark and heartbreaking conversations) Leila appears, Pen leaves and those two talk (stupid duo) and it's revealed Eclise is a prince (illegitimate son of a king from a defeated kingdom) and she suggests he kills CP and take his place.
    Pen sends the mirror shard to Winter to hide it and tries to find the hole to escape but it's not there. Reynald catches her and they talk, he doesn't want her to leave but helps
    She goes back to her room to prepare but the Duke calls her for lunch. They talk, he's somewhat brainwashed (I remember him being confused?). Pen wants to leave, he doesn't want it but he lets her leave (/TДT)/
    Before leaving the room, she tells him to look at his daughter's reflection in the tea cup (Leila doesn't have a reflection in mirrors, water, etc.)
    In her bedroom, Pen finds a maid going through her stuff and realises there is no reflection in the mirror. It's Leila!!!
    They talk. It is revealed that Leila can't brainwash them properly because of their love for Pen (and I think it's because the mirror is incomplete). Leila wants the mirror shard, and attacks Pen, tries to kill her, brainwash her, system finally helps and she uses magic. She stops Leila but the system tells her she was a little brainwashed and she need to go to Leila's tomb to lift it. (I've been refering to Ivone as Leila, because the demon took over her).
    Pen escapes, leaves the mansion goes to Winter to get money, they talk, we know more about Leila and he backstory, they talk about their relationship (again, grab the tissues) and at the end she gains his trust but he looses her affection. (/TДT)/
    We also learn the meaning of purple: imperfect love.
    She leaves and since she can't go directly to the island where the tomb is, she uses a boat. The boat is attacked by monsters, our dear Callisto appears and they both fight them. After the fight they talk and CP reveals the copy of the map says her location and other things. They go together and he askes her to let him stay by her side (≧∀≦) she realizes he was not brainwashed and nods ヾ(☆▽☆) They go together, defeat monsters inside, yada-yada.
    Oh, I forgot, there's a mirror of truth and when she goes in, (alone) she gets the story of the game that she skipped when she was playing. (You know, the one we all skip because we want to play? :P)
    Summary: Godlike people kill humans, ancient wizards seal them in mirror, Leila was not there and wants revenge, war, wizards break mirror but Leila collects the pieces and starts brainwashing people. She gets to the duchy and meets Pen an ancient wizard (this is the normal mode), Pen dies, Leila gets CP and almost wins.
    Winter manages to escape the brainwash and turns back time.
    The system reveals that Pen is the real heroine (she's not happy at all. She's so done with all this :'( but the game doesn't care), she also learns that she's still alive in Real World and her family is worried about her. She is in the hospital and has cancer. (And we cry again)
    She's released from the brainwash and system wants her to uncover who is the real villain. She accepts and receives a wand.
    Pen gets back to the CP, and cries in his arms. (Do you still have tissues?) Callisto consols her and she reveals she's not the real Penelope, she's from far away, she tried so hard to go back but failed and asks what to do and he just tells her to live with him. She also tells him about her mom and archeology, and they talk about other important things but this is getting long.
    Please tell me if you want me to spoil more about the conversation. It's major spoilers about them.

    Momogo December 16, 2023 2:00 pm
    I'm back. Since you didn't mention the juicy part, I'm continuing. Let it be a surprise.Eclise and Pen are talking, she blames him and he reveals he did it in hopes she would be thrown out of the house. (Seriou... JadaSmith

    Thank you for patiently answering my queries thank you thank you (here’s a cookie )!!!!! … damn, winter turned back time… does he have memories of the past then? And was eclis brainwashed a bit or was it his obsession that entirely fueled his actions?

    JadaSmith December 16, 2023 3:35 pm
    Thank you for patiently answering my queries thank you thank you (here’s a cookie )!!!!! … damn, winter turned back time… does he have memories of the past then? And was eclis brainwashed a bit or was it ... Momogo

    You're welcome. Thanks for the cookie :D
    I'll have to go reread his conversation with Leila. I don't remember much about it. I know he didn't remember until now but Leila comes to him and I think she spills a few things. She remembers the past life. She talked with Pen about it. From my understanding time rewinded more than once and Pen always lost, her soul getting weaker and weaker until her soul was reborn in a new world before coming back here.
    As for Eclise, I think he is both. He is being brainwashed, is being fueled by Leila and is unhealthily obsessed with Pen, who also ponders for a bit about her fault, her sins but she decides what's done is done.
    I have a few things to do but later I'll do a quick reread and tell you the rest. I stopped at 217.

    Momogo December 16, 2023 10:16 pm
    You're welcome. Thanks for the cookie :D I'll have to go reread his conversation with Leila. I don't remember much about it. I know he didn't remember until now but Leila comes to him and I think she spills a f... JadaSmith

    Oh my lawd, poor Pen 。゚(T⌑T)゚。
    So like the entire time she was playing the game, losing the game, Penelope’s soul has been chipped away? That’s a lot of twisties and turns in the plot….

    JadaSmith December 16, 2023 10:46 pm
    Oh my lawd, poor Pen 。゚(T⌑T)゚。So like the entire time she was playing the game, losing the game, Penelope’s soul has been chipped away? That’s a lot of twisties and turns in the plot…. Momogo

    I'm not sure about that part. You might be right but I couldn't be sure.
    Let's continue, shall we?
    Pen and Callisto are talking about their childhood. Callisto thought about breaking down the country but after meeting her he wants to keep his position, so she can do what she wants to do and they can be together. She mentions the rejection but he insist and tells her he loves her. Pen asks "why now?", CP confesses he was afraid because his mother was deceived by those words. They keep talking, there are more tears, revelations. It ends with a promise that he will follow her (and kill Leila) and their first kisses.
    They talk more and then Cedric contact them and they go to where the knights are being attacked by flying monsters.
    Surprise, surprise, Eclise is there ridding a flying monster as the head of the rebels. In the middle of the fight he almost kills the prince and almost kidnaps Pen (at this point I just hate him). She apologizes for taking advantage of him, that she doesn't love him and that he should just go live his life. He's not having any of that and says if he kill CP he will have her.
    At the duke's how, they're depressed with Pen's departure.The duke has tea with Ivone. He remembers what Pen said and notices there is no reflection. Without Leila knowing he gets everything ready to confront her. He has her followed. Leila visits Winter and things get bad.
    She asks for the shards of the mirror. She tries to look pitiful but it doesn't work on Winter. It kind of did in the beginning but as he fell for Pen, he started to keep his distance from Leila.
    Winter confronts her about the monster attack and the poison and Leila realizes he's not fooled and gets straight to the point, even threatning him with brainwash but he counters saying he's not sorry for her. He's disgusted.
    She's not phased and attacks him but Winter is protected by artifacts.
    Leila proceeds to tell him how much he loved her, how he gave up on his wizards duties and devouted his magic to her before turning back time. She even reveals she was very careful this time around but Pen got everyone out of her grasp.
    Leila then summons a monster and... it's Raon.
    She gets the mirror piece and Raon flies away in a monster at Leila's order.
    We learn Winter killed wizards in the past when he was brainwashed by her. Winter attacks her with magic, the building collapses. Leila is badly damaged but survives and uses the wizard who was following her to regenerate.
    The duke knows the guy died as Leila arrives at the dukedom and she's imediatly surrounded by soldiers. To make this short, there's a fight between both parts, monsters are summoned, Derrick is made bait because he's brainwashed by Leila and can't resist. They almost loose but Pen and CP know what's happening and come to help. All hell breaks loose, the duke is swalloed by a worm monster. Leila dares Pen to come and save him as she runs away but the duke comes back shortly after because of the amulet Penny gave him in the hunting competition.
    They still need to save the wizard kids and Emily that Leila kidnapped. Oh, and the 2nd prince joined the rebels to get the throne from Callisto. They are camped at the imperial palace.
    The duke says Eckart will suport Callisto.
    Pen stays home as Callisto goes to the palace bur she remembers about the mirror pieces and goes to visit Winter to get the other shard, only to find the house in ruins.

    This is all I know for now. I'll continue to read tomorrow, so I might post more at the end of the day.

    Momogo December 16, 2023 11:13 pm
    I'm not sure about that part. You might be right but I couldn't be sure. Let's continue, shall we?Pen and Callisto are talking about their childhood. Callisto thought about breaking down the country but after m... JadaSmith

    Aaaaaaaaahhhhh omg, thank gawd the duke’s okay. This is turning into a messy affair. From this point in the manhwa, it’s definitely gonna take a while to get through the story. I would have gone crazy. Thanks for the updates. And for taking the time to share

    JadaSmith December 17, 2023 7:30 pm
    Aaaaaaaaahhhhh omg, thank gawd the duke’s okay. This is turning into a messy affair. From this point in the manhwa, it’s definitely gonna take a while to get through the story. I would have gone crazy. Than... Momogo

    Yeah, I think so too. It's so long. Anyway, let's continue.
    Pen enters and sees the destruction but fortunatly the wizard confirms he's not there and there's no body so Winter should be alive.
    Pen discovers something and sends the guy back. It's the mirror of truth again. She finds Winter he's hurt and trapped in fire. He warns her: she can't kill Leila unless she has the fang of the golden dragon.
    They talk and he reveals he used forbiden magic to know the future when Leila stole his mirror shard. Instead, he saw the past, what had happened before he turned time.
    He tells her what to do and Pen is unsure. She might fail but winter reassures her that he will be there to turn back time. Again and again.
    Pen leaves and on the street, a carriage stops. It's Eclise who tells her he has her maids and children. She climbs on the carriage and is taken to the palace. They talk on the way and at the palace she tells him he's brainwashed that even if he kills CP and takes over the kingdom she will not love him. Eclise asks why not him, when he tried so hard to be her knight, he even became a traitor. He starts to cry, He asks why and Pen answers that she loves someone else and he shouts she should lie like she used to. He talks about dying at her hands but she doesn't want to kill him (I'm trying not to cry, this is so sad). He confesses that he knew she was using him and didn't expect her to love him. Eclise exits, leaving her locked in a room. But don't worry, it's Christmas so (Santa Claus) Callisto came down the chimney (fireplace) to save Pen.

    This post is shorter but it's still 5 chapters. There are 10 chapters till the end of the main story. I'll continue tomorrow.

    Momogo December 18, 2023 2:28 pm
    Yeah, I think so too. It's so long. Anyway, let's continue.Pen enters and sees the destruction but fortunatly the wizard confirms he's not there and there's no body so Winter should be alive.Pen discovers somet... JadaSmith

    I am gonna keep thanking you which I can’t do enough

    JadaSmith December 29, 2023 11:23 pm
    I am gonna keep thanking you which I can’t do enough Momogo

    I'm sorry it took so long to get back but the Hollidays got in the way (and I forgot it for a few days too).
    I finished reading the main story. Here it is:
    chapter 222 to 230
    Pen asks Callisto what happened and about the battle but he says they don't have the time. They exit through the passage and they talk while exiting the maze. She tell him about the visit to Winter and how she was kidnapped by the Prince of Delman. He's excluding her from the fight now that she doesn't have her wand, because the king is missing and the troops are bigger than expected. The chances of winning aren't great. He even considered running away to ensure her safety but Pen doesn't want to give up. They make a new plan.
    Leila is sitting in the highest seat of the emperor palace, a guy brings the emperor's head. She has 14 of the 15 pieces (pen has the last one). The kids are there tied up. Eclise joins her, bringing the last piece (but keeps the wand). Leila is happy.
    A guy comes and says the imperial army is coming. Eclise asks for Pen and since the guy doesn't know, he runs for the empress palace. Leila takes the emperors treasure from the throne.
    Meanwhile, CP attacks (he talks with the queen but it's nothing interesting) and Pen saves the children while Yvone tells Raon to kill them before escaping with the dragon fang. The kids get saved and Pen goes after Leila... until the CP appeats again and tells her to run!! It's a huge dragon!
    Chaos ensues and they run. The knights and the rebels are fighting and in the middle of it they find Eclise who is as crazy as always (Pen casts lightning on him but he doesn't faint). He and CP fight.
    Pen takes care of the dragon trapping it in rose vines. CP almost looses to Eclise.
    (This part is hard to summarize. Let's see if you can understand):
    Eclise breaks CP sword. He falls and Eclise is about to kill him when Pen uses ice magic. He gets hit by one of the ice shards. Pen falls in pain because she used too much magic. The dragon gets freed and attacks her, Eclise comes and saves Pen, dying in the process.
    Pen goes after Yvonne and they talk about Eclise (Leila is controling the dragon, she killed Eclise).
    They fight, the magic doesn't work because the mirror blocked it and strickes back. They fight and Pen manages to break the mirror and kills Leila.
    The end. (She should be dead since she also fell down the window of the tower.)
    And then the dragon and CP also fall down the tower *facepalm*
    Pen rushes down and gets to him. He gives her the golden dragon fang and then is dying because he's seriously injured. Pen is trying to convice herself that he won't die because he's the ML and she chose him but he's dying (and I'm about to cry).
    She's trying to save him but he stops her and asks if it isn't time for her to go back.
    The system pops up saying she succeded and asking if she wants to see the ending. She presses yes and it says she is the true hero who saved the world and asks if she wants to leave with the reward.
    The CP asks again "It's time, right?" and tells her to go and forget everything that happened here.
    She cries and asks why isn't he holding on to her.
    He smiles and tell her he loves her and wherever she is, he'll chase her.
    She remember her jorney in this world and then looks back at Callisto and says "I love you too." The reward is lowered to Callisto's chest making her choice.
    The system says the game ended.

    Alright, now there are about 20 side stories. Do you want me to continue? I don't mind. (⌒▽⌒)

JadaSmith December 13, 2023 12:27 pm

I wanted to see him!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

JadaSmith December 13, 2023 10:56 am

Ahh... So many good expressions in this chapter. Now suffer!!!!! And then kiss and get together, please. (▰˘◡˘▰)

JadaSmith November 6, 2023 10:45 pm

I was thinking about reading this because it has a good amount of chapters but then I saw the recent comments about the ending. Should I read this?

    Fluff bàll December 14, 2023 10:55 pm

    You should! Its good and well written ending is a bit abrupt it don't have that strong and complicated troup but yes it is a good read but ending mau disappoint u a little

JadaSmith November 4, 2023 6:20 pm

I'm laughing so much right now! She landed one on his nose!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
And that last pannel, is it a kiss??

JadaSmith November 1, 2023 9:19 am

I can't belive it. I thought it was just a plush, but a keychain too??? I want it too!!
I wonder who created the merch.

JadaSmith October 24, 2023 9:08 am

Is the story in a good place? I started reading this a long time ago but dropped because I knew it was going to get much worse before it got better and I had to wait for the chapters.

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