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HoeraTheSexplorer August 25, 2017 12:30 pm

Every fear ... every nightmare ... anyone has ever had.

    Anonymous August 25, 2017 3:05 pm

    Hoera is this another youtube video reference?

    Rainbow☆Unicorn August 25, 2017 3:53 pm

    Ive always been terrified of my parents. Even when i was a child.ヾ(☆▽☆) im serious.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    Oh, a good boy i tried to be~ (▰˘◡˘▰) they could kill me anyday~♡ ╮(⌒▽⌒)╭

    Nightmares? I dont dream, (at least i dont remember) and if i do its probably a sleeping paralysis~☆

    pancake ninja unicorn August 25, 2017 4:30 pm

    ....i once had a nightmare about flying vampire cows..

    HoeraTheSexplorer August 25, 2017 5:05 pm
    Ive always been terrified of my parents. Even when i was a child.ヾ(☆▽☆) im serious.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧Oh, a good boy i tried to be~ (▰˘◡˘▰) they could kill me anyday~♡ ╮(⌒▽⌒)╭ Nig... Rainbow☆Unicorn

    Hoe sleep paralysis is the scariest shit ever. I was lying on my side with my eyes half-close when my sister enteres my room to grab some powder on my nightstand like 6 meters away from my bed. That time I didn't know when I fell asleep, all I know was I couldn't move a single pussy and I panicked a little (a little because I had sleep paralysis every month or so during my teen years so I was kinda used to it). I was hoping that someone would come in to my room again because the slightest movement usually woke me up from the paralysis. I closed my eyes momentarily then I heard my door creaked open. You and I both know (or anyone that has experience the terrible sleep paralysis) that it's hard to open your eyes when you're in that state, it feels very heavy.

    I slowly scanned the room and saw the back figure of my sister searching for something on my nightstand. Then she stopped moving altogether and turned to my direction.

    She had no fucking face. Like it was erased or something. And it was freaking TERRIFYING. She just stood in front of me for perhaps a couple of seconds, minutes.. I didn't know. Then she turned around and exited the room, then I woke up with thin layers of sweat and breathing hard. My position, the same in my state of sleep paralysis, and so was the door of my room, which was left slightly opened by that faceless creature.

    pancake ninja unicorn August 25, 2017 5:14 pm
    Hoe sleep paralysis is the scariest shit ever. I was lying on my side with my eyes half-close when my sister enteres my room to grab some powder on my nightstand like 6 meters away from my bed. That time I didn... HoeraTheSexplorer

    Okay that sounds like the creepiest nightmare EVER.

HoeraTheSexplorer August 23, 2017 7:39 am

I'm so close dropping these works with such idiotic and good for nothing ukes. Like, can you bitches make up your damn mind? Just fucking tell the seme that you love him, bitch it doesn't need to take a gazillion chapters to "realise" your feeling. Then there's this one that seemed to be a strong-willed uke at first only to be caught up in the palm of the hand of the seme. Another one is this tired and over-played thirdwheel that used to have a "relationship" or connection or what-fucking-ever to the seme and this stupid uke can't even stand his ground against this bastard and punch him on the balls; How about stop looking back at the past and realise that the seme is presently in love with YOU. Putas be so so damn weak ughhh where can I find a Wei WuXian type of uke? Bitch can only be found once in a blue moon akskdiejsbalalak


HoeraTheSexplorer August 23, 2017 3:28 am

I want to be a beta. I aint got time for random heat and random primal instinct to ravage someone. I want to keep the pace of my life at my own clock; be free to do whatever I want. No fated partner to ruin me with whoever I want to be with or be a slave to my own desire.

Beta is love, Beta is life (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Kuma-Chan! August 23, 2017 3:53 am

    Anonymous August 23, 2017 6:14 am

    Is betaxbeta omegaverse a thing? That would be interesting. I just thought.

HoeraTheSexplorer August 23, 2017 1:29 am

You find the black tube inside her beauty case where she keeps your father's old prison letters. You desperately want to look like her. You look nothing like your mother. You look everything like your mother. Film star beauty. How to wear your mother's lipstick. You go to the bathroom to apply your mother's lipstick. Somewhere no one can find you.

You must wear it like she wears disappointment on her face. Your mother is a woman and women like her cannot be contained. Mother dearest, let me inherit the earth. Teach me how to make him beg. Let me make up for the years he made you wait. Did he bend your reflection? Did he make you forget your own name? Did he convince you he was a god? Did you get on your knees daily? Do his eyes close like doors? Are you a slave to the back of his head?

Am I talking about your husband or your father?

    tokidoki August 23, 2017 1:34 am

    Your daughter? Your Kittycat? The crocodile swimming in your pipes?

    Anonymous August 23, 2017 1:38 am

    are you describing a manga? making a story? is this a riddle?

    Uncensored August 23, 2017 1:45 am

    I love what your doing with your life, very productive (=・ω・=)

    Anonymous August 23, 2017 2:52 am
    I love what your doing with your life, very productive (=・ω・=) Uncensored

    *you're, .

HoeraTheSexplorer August 22, 2017 12:15 pm

She sleeps all day. Dreams of you in both worlds. Tills the blood, in and out of uterus. Wakes up smelling of zinc, grief sedated by orgasm, orgasm heightened by grief. God was in the room when the man said to the woman, "I love you so much. Wrap your legs around me. Pull me in, pull me in, pull me in." Sometimes when he'd have her nipple in his mouth, she'd whisper, "Oh, my God." That, too, is a form of worship.

Her hips grind, pestle and mortar, cinnamon and cloves. Whenever he pulls out ... loss. Dear moon, we blame you for floods ... for the flush of blood ... for men who are also wolves. We blame for the night for the dark, for the ghosts.

    Uncensored August 22, 2017 12:57 pm

    What. .......

    Well at least you'll be a good erotic writer?

    Anonymous August 22, 2017 2:25 pm
    What. .......Well at least you'll be a good erotic writer? Uncensored

    Beyoncé Lemonade

HoeraTheSexplorer August 22, 2017 1:23 am

So what are you gonna say at my funeral, now that you've killed me? Here lies the body of the love of my life, whose heart I broke without a gun to my head. Here lies the mother of my children, both living and dead. Rest in peace, my true love, who I took for granted. Most bomb p*ssy who, because of me, sleep evaded.

Her god listening. Her heaven will be a love without betrayal. Ashes to ashes, dust to side chicks

    yixi August 22, 2017 1:44 am


    Kin Tama August 22, 2017 1:49 am

    lol wut

    Vincent August 22, 2017 1:53 am

    "They never tried to steal my food, so I'm fine with them."

    Pynch August 22, 2017 1:54 am

    aIn'T sOrRy
    aIn'T sOrRy
    nIgGa nAh

    SongForYou August 22, 2017 1:54 am

    You are literally my favourite person on this site

    MisakiNaruChan August 22, 2017 2:16 am


    Unoriginal Artist August 22, 2017 4:29 am

    I want a bouncy castle at my funeral...... and cheesecake must be served!

    Unoriginal Artist August 22, 2017 4:34 am
    I want a bouncy castle at my funeral...... and cheesecake must be served! Unoriginal Artist

    Oh and I should be dressed as the mad hatter! I want a cool top hat if I'm going 6 ft under ground!

    Vincent August 22, 2017 2:47 pm
    Oh and I should be dressed as the mad hatter! I want a cool top hat if I'm going 6 ft under ground! Unoriginal Artist

    I have a top hat I can lend ya (╭☞•o•)╭☞

HoeraTheSexplorer August 21, 2017 12:57 pm

If it's what you truly want ... I can wear her skin over mine. Her hair over mine. Her hands as gloves. Her teeth as confetti. Her scalp, a cap. Her sternum, my bedazzled cane. We can pose for a photograph, all three of us. Immortalized ... you and your perfect girl.

I don't know when love became elusive. What I know is, no one I know has it. My father's arms around my mother's neck, fruit too ripe to eat. I think of lovers as trees ... growing to and from one another. Searching for the same light.

Why can't you see me? Everyone else can.

HoeraTheSexplorer August 21, 2017 3:39 am

I tried to make a home out of you, but doors lead to trap doors, a stairway leads to nothing. Unknown women wander the hallways at night. Where do you go when you go quiet?

You remind me of my father, a magician ... able to exist in two places at once. In the tradition of men in my blood, you come home at 3 a.m. and lie to me. What are you hiding?

The past and the future merge to meet us here. What luck. What a f*cking curse.

    Kuma-Chan! August 21, 2017 4:26 am

    I think I'm the only one who appreciates your random poetry. or is this a song reference? idk where it's from but I enjoy seeing other things besides people looking for manga or fights.

    GuruOfAwesomeness August 21, 2017 4:39 am
    I think I'm the only one who appreciates your random poetry. or is this a song reference? idk where it's from but I enjoy seeing other things besides people looking for manga or fights. Kuma-Chan!

    This is from Beyoncé's visual album Lemonade, haha
    But I agree, I enjoy this too ^.^

    Kuma-Chan! August 21, 2017 4:51 am
    This is from Beyoncé's visual album Lemonade, haha But I agree, I enjoy this too ^.^ GuruOfAwesomeness

    oh hah

HoeraTheSexplorer August 20, 2017 3:06 pm

I tried to change. Closed my mouth more.. Tried to be soft, prettier. Less... awake.

Fasted for 60 days; wore white. Abstained from mirrors, abstained from sex. Slowly did not speak another word. And that time my hair I grew past my ankles, I slept on a mat on the floor, I swallowed a sword, I levitated Into the basement; Confessed my sins and was baptized in a river. Got on my knees and said, "Amen" and said, "I mean".

I whipped my own back and asked for dominion at your feet.
I threw myself into a volcano; I drank the blood and drank the wine; I sat alone and begged and bent at the waist for God. I crossed myself and thought... I saw the devil.

I grew thickened skin on my feet. I bathed in bleach and plugged my menses with the pages from the holy book. But still inside me coiled deep was the need to know...

Are you cheating on me?

HoeraTheSexplorer August 19, 2017 1:12 pm

Who is/are your favourite straight pairing/s (from any type of media)?

Mine are:

Xiaoyin (from Tekken)

And Zutara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

These two are probably the last straight pairing standing on my list considering that I've been aboard their ship way before I discover yaoi; and now I don't ship straight pairings anymore (except these two)

    Pynch August 19, 2017 2:01 pm

    The only straight ship that comes to my mind is Levi Ackerman and Hanji Zöe from attack on titan

    cleo August 19, 2017 2:25 pm

    Buffy X Angel !!!!!! Screw Spike!

    Rinkame August 19, 2017 2:48 pm

    HikaHaru from Ouran (I know she ended up with Tamaki, but still)
    Minato X Subaru from Houkago no Pleides
    Kyo X Tohru from Fruuba
    There are others, but those three are the ones I immediately thought of.

    bukuroshe以心伝心 August 19, 2017 3:38 pm

    My favorite one is definitely Tony x Ziva from NCIS ╥﹏╥

    Fantomeducouloir August 19, 2017 4:29 pm

    I suppose you mean unofficial ships? Then it's Heine x Naoto (Dogs: Bullets & Carnage -manga)
    I mean, seriously, that scene in the church was hhhnnnh (okay I might be a little weird on that one)
    I think I have some others but I can't remember XD

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