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Kilol created a topic of Komen Fuufu

Iwatobi Neko never misses

Ghosts??? Gay Lawyers??? As an Ace Attorney, thank you

Kilol created a topic of Marionette (Cereal)

I think about this daily

Kilol followed a goer

I love reading yaoi with stalking, graping, murder ,omegaverse ,confinement, abusive realtionships, BDSM, S&m, BUFF SEME X BUFF UKE. ( Not child porn)

26 days
Kilol created a topic of Can't Think Straight

He ate that ass like it's a five course meal, commentary and everything, Dungeon Meshi style

I don't care what y'all btches say the omega's the BEST

I'll never emotionally recover from this, hm

Kilol created a topic of When the Star Sleeps


Kilol like the answer
man am i the only one who finds these "i'd be gay" typa comments weird as hell?? no offense to yall lol but it makes me uncomfortable how sum of ya mfs openly fetishizing gay men and no ones calling yall out. lifes' not easy and fun for a homosexual dude like you bitches think it is plus trans ppl exist yk...

They're still making Hetalia DJ on this year of the lord 2023?



Bro who let Johnny Bravo translate this???

Kilol created a topic of Inma-sama ni Hallelujah

I’m here for the name, this is going to be sooo funny

Kilol created a topic of Badass
Kilol like the answer
Kilol like topic of Hanpamono

Uhm... how tf did one chapter feel like 20 chapters lol