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Quacck! created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

For I always turn my brain off reading this kinda stuff anyway~ ᕙ( ~ . ~ )ᕗ
Not expecting he was the mum's boyfriend quackk I shall wait for the next chapter weeheee

Quacck! created a topic of Silent Lover

I read those spoilers, thanks for spoil tag
(。•ᴗ-)✧ but ya know I just keep reading this with my brain turn off till I fed up. Can't say I'm not but I do TRULY fed up with Qiyu n the mistress ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
I guess I'm too dumb hoping the child story gonna be much better than the parents at first ( let's say I'm invested..(⌐■-■)/ piqued my interest.. about the parents part) But worst ever ( the sons part). They are included in my 2D character BLACKLIST( ╹▽╹ ) tralala♪~

Not the droopy eyes when I was about to fall asleep(☆▽☆) ain't gonna talk about anything else coz I'm in shock period until next update lmao (✯ᴗ✯)

Quacck! created a topic of Slammer Dogs

He gonna freeze his peepee outside the window I know brutal violence but that's just wild boy, wild lol

Quacck! created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Just a reader rolling around for them!!
(⌐■-■)✧ I kennot hold my laugh lol

Quacck! created a topic of A well known love affair

Good bad mother, Under Queen's umbrella and some others that I forgotten.. coz these are I watched recently..

But anyway back to the manhwa, why not Sunday night since Monday off for that training stuff eh ಡ ʖ ಡ just kidding. Let the fantasy go wild in my brain.(✿^‿^)

Quacck! created a topic of 1 to 10

Just smiling and go with the flow despite everyone so shocketh…ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷlol

Quacck! created a topic of Hyakujitsu no Bara

I think I did read this few yrs ago but since I've forgotten, I'm gonna re read back✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Quacck! created a topic of Please don't take it off

Kinda sad coz it's ended but anyway thank you so much for taking the time for translating and uploading this!! Ngl I did enjoyed reading it anyway~

Quacck! created a topic of Ordinary Person A

I seriously thought he gonna check numbers or something but instead he cracked them..
He try to make it less obvious for wanting the matching phone lmao

This might be out of topic JUST CURIOSITY ANYWAY.. was there a wolf in puss in boots movie? Sorry I don't really watch puss in boots tho..But that first image piqued my interest n gonna stick inside my head for a ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ

But aye, I'm sure Kiyo gonna be fine.. I'm sure..(⊙_◎)

Just to sneak a peek for season 2 I'm gonna read later lol.. for now I shall retreat to my dreamland~(☞ ° ʖ °)☞

Quacck! created a topic of King's Maker

I'm reading exactly till end of season 1 and I shall stop here for I need to go to sleep (╥﹏╥)

I'm willing to read coz I want to read the smut on the sequel part but ACTUALLY THIS WAS PRETTY AMAZING!!!
Like the plot glued me here till end of season 1, no dragging blabla , just me reading in silent. Amazing. A lot to say but nothing comes out. That's how I feel.. Gonna continue reading later ehe~ now I'm addicted reading (☞ ° ʖ °)☞

I wouldn't mind re reading this nonstop for the handsome faces that finally satisfied my eye candies desire ಡ ʖ ಡ it's giving me mixed feelings in a good way lol.

Quacck! created a topic of Mad Dog

Yes, he def the one who was so kind to Hamin n I'm envious lol. And kinda wish Hamin's friends would appear more in the side stories.. くコ:彡 I love seeing the duo friends together.. the glasses n the smol painful punches.

Quacck! created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

I shall reread back to refresh my memories~ (。•ᴗ-)✧

Quacck! created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Not the nail clippers. That part seriously scared me off and another beads into sausage dude, it's knowledge from reading too much fantasy u know lmao ok jk. But not just the nail clippers kinda scare me, let's just assume everything..

Quacck! created a topic of Profundis

Find the brother n hopefully let's end it all~
I mean this Almuten things. Somehow I need to reread this back..

Quacck! created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Back to first time I read, this one is not what I usually read, for the old typical me love reading skinny matchsticks dude instead lmfao and reading this just purely for smut.

However after reading for a long time now, I've realized I've taken a great liking for this one, not just for smut lmao but also the plot that make me so emotional on random days ಥ‿ಥ.
I'm glad I read this till end.✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Quacck! created a topic of Gig of the Day

If he hugged me like that, I shall give all my love and happy feelings so he won't feel sad anymore ಥ‿ಥ
Ain't gonna let anybody harm this boy's happiness and that include that another person on last panel, pew pew!