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FeCCHi's experience ( All 0 )

FeCCHi's answer ( All 2 )

about question
02 11,2023
Link does not work for me so I used different makers in the same site. I actually am a rapunzel with a purple hair irl, so no exaggeration on that.   1 reply
02 11,2023
about question
I prolly would be talkative, manipulative and a liar. Horny but sweet. Masochist, so does not hate violence but not necessarily good at fighting lollol. I can't express here but my facial features are soft and I look like my father so prolly my male self has a soft features for a male as well like an oval face.   reply
02 11,2023

FeCCHi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

1 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world (i tell her this everyday)

4 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

i love my girlfeidn

7 hours