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June June 23, 2021 6:46 am

Basically what happens is soo young and that guy are tied up and being beaten by the mayor and his thugs and they’re about to be killed bc they say the body of that other guy the mayor killed during sex.

Then the guy escapes and leaves soo young behind bc he’s unconscious, but he’s running away to get help and the person he ends up calling in minhyuk, who comes to save the day.

But - spoiler for next chapter

Minhyuk is actually not a good guy and takes the injured and unconscious soo young to his apartment and r*apes him, and I think he staged the scene to make taesung think that sooyoung was dead? Bc when taesung arrived at the parking garage all that was left was a barrel filled with cement(?) and a piece of hair sticking out that looked like sooyoungs.

    June June 23, 2021 6:53 am

    Sorry if I got something wrong tbh I forgot all their names and I only saw the raws for the next chapters so some things might not be 100% accurate! But the r*** scene is pretty graphic so I would be especially careful if your triggered by that!!

June May 31, 2021 12:53 am

As someone who has been in similar situations I find it kind of cathartic to read about these themes in fiction, but let’s hope there’s some development soon and she doesn’t keep getting pushed around by these guys

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