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Lifeincircuit's experience ( All 0 )

Lifeincircuit's answer ( All 2 )

It's ok to choose a safe career and have fun hobbies. Sometimes security is more valuable than an art degree. There is a lot of emphasis on chasing your dreams these days, but I think it leads to a lot more unhappiness than it does happiness. In this era, it's very possible to work on something you love on the side, and if it blossoms in to a caree......   2 reply
10 10,2017
35 year old woman from the states. Homoflexible, and find I am somewhat picky about what I enjoy because a lot of it hurts my brain. I Enjoy lgbtq themes, but 99.999% of yuri is completely unrelatable. I find way more thoughtful BL. Even though I'm not typically attracted to men irl, I find illustrated men very enjoyable I have two kids (11 and 13......   reply
06 07,2017

Lifeincircuit's question ( All 0 )